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摘要 伴随着物质时代的结束,在满足基本功能的前提下,产品能否满足消费者的感情需求成为产品设计成功的关键。随着卫浴产品的日渐丰富,卫浴产品成为人们日常生活中直接接触又必不可少的一部分。使用者不单单的认为卫浴水龙头只是出水端口,其造型的美化和功能的便利越来越受到重视。同时也是衡量产品价值的重要标准。 本研究建立在感性工学的基础上,在本文介绍了感性工学的必要知识,包括感性工学的定义、起源、背景、感性工学在设计上的一些运用以及它的应用方法和步骤,简单介绍了聚类分析法线形回归分析、主成分分析法多元尺度法。以消费者和适用人群的心理为设计出发点,在市场上收集大量卫浴水龙头的图片,把市场上各类水龙头进行归纳分析,通过问卷调查的形式,完成感性语汇表的建立,并挖掘出部分卫浴水龙头设计的常用元素,包括形态、色彩、肌理(材质、工艺、装饰),为本研究提供了参考。 本文的最关注的重点是如何将感性方法具体应用到产品开发中去,文章以消费者的角度作为切入点,首先对整个卫浴水龙头行业以及相关行业进行认知和理解,建立了行业标准后,开始感性意象认知的研究。运用感性工学分析了影响产品感性意象的每一个细节,逐步确立感性意象与卫浴龙头造型设计各要素之间的关系,最后综合设计要素分析概括出这些感性意象。 关键字:感性工学;产品语义;认知差异;统计分析;卫浴水龙头 Abstract With the end of materialistic age, on the condition of meeting the basic functions, whether products can meet the emotional needs of consumers has become the key for successful product design. With the increasingly kinds of sanitary products, bathroom has become an essential part and contact them directly in peoples daily life. Users not only thinking bathroom faucet is just water port, but its beautiful shape and convenient function has been taken more and more seriously. Also it is an important criterion to measure the value of the product. This study builds on Kansei Engineering, based on the paper introduction of Kansei necessary knowledge, including definition, origin, Beijing of Kansei engineering, some utilization of the design as well as its application methods and procedures, a brief introduction about clustering analysis, linear regression analysis, PCA multidimensional scaling. With the design starting point for psychology of consumers and suitable person in the market, collecting a large quantity of bathroom taps pictures, making inductive analysis for all kinds of faucets on the market, through the form of questionnaires to complete building a emotional vocabulary table, and dig out common faucet design elements of some bathroom products to provide a reference for the study, including shape, color, texture (material,technology,decorate). The key of this paper is emphasis on how to apply s


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