
《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕.doc

《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕.doc

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《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 》英中字幕.doc

Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France... 很久很久以前 在隐秘的法国腹地... a handsome young prince... 有一位年轻英俊的王子... lived in a beautiful castle. 他住在富丽堂皇的城堡之中 Although he had everything his heart desired... 尽管周身应有尽有... the prince was selfish and unkind. 王子却自私无情 Master, its time. 陛下 时间到了 He taxed the village to fill his castle with the most beautiful objects. 他向村子征税 用最华丽之物装饰城堡 And his parties with the most beautiful people. 命最华美之人流连于他的派对 ? Oh, how divine ? ? 如同置身仙境 ? ? Glamour, music and magic combine ? ? 美妙音乐 结合神奇魔术 ? ? See the maidens so anxious to shine ? ? 翩跹少女 一心大放光彩 ? ? Look for a sign that enhances chances ? ? 寻找任何一丝成功的迹象 ? ? Shell be his special one ? ? 成为他的意中人 ? ? What a display ? ? 多么动人心魄的展示 ? ? What a breathtaking, thrilling array ? ? 多么声势浩大的排场 ? ? Evry prince Evry dog has his day ? ? 无论贵贱皆有得意之日 ? ? Let us sing with passion, gusto, fit to bust, oh ? ? 我们慷慨高唱 永不停歇 整夜欢歌 ? ? Not a care in the world ? ? 将一切抛诸脑后 ? Then one night... 某一夜... an unexpected intruder arrived at the castle... 一位不速之客闯入城堡... seeking shelter from the bitter storm. 在狂风暴雨中寻找庇护之所 As a gift, she offered the prince, a single rose. 她将一朵玫瑰赠与王子 作为礼物 Repulsed by her haggard appearance... 王子厌恶老妇的羸弱... the prince turned the woman away. 他将老妇撵走 But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances. 老妇警告王子 切勿以貌取人 For beauty is found within. 美常掩于外表之下 When he dismissed her again... 他再次驱逐老妇时... the old womans outward appearance melted away. 她的伪装逐渐褪去 To reveal... 真相显露... a beautiful enchantress. 她变为美丽动人的女巫 The prince begged for forgiveness, 王子乞求原谅 but it was too late. 但为时已晚 For she had seen that there was no love in his heart. 她已参透其空虚冷漠的内心 Chip! Chip! Oh, my! 阿奇 阿奇 我的老天 As punishment... 作为惩罚... she transformed him into a hideous beast. 女巫将王子变为相貌丑陋的野兽 And placed a powerful spell on the castle... 并对城堡施下强力魔咒... and all who lived there. 城堡内无一人幸免 As days bled into years... 岁月流逝... the prince and his servants were forgotten by the world. 王子及其仆人被世人彻底遗忘 For the enchantress had era


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