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New words and expressions Steer vt. to control a direction a vehicle is going, for example by turning a wheel. 他能很熟练地驾船。 He is proficient at steering the boat. Page ? * New words and expressions drive驾驶:操纵交通工具,常用在车辆上 steer驾驶:驾驶船或车 drive的对象通常是车,但船也可以; steer的对象通常是船,但也可以是车. 这不是他们的根本区别. Page ? * New words and expressions cover: vt ①pass over or travel (a certain distance) 他们今天已经走了四十公里。 They have covered 40 km today. Page ? * New words and expressions ②place or spread sth. upon, over, or in front of (sth.) 覆盖 洪水淹没了几千个镇子。 The floods covered thousands of towns. Page ? * New words and expressions ③hide; protect 隐藏 掩饰 他大声的笑以掩饰他的恐慌。 He laughed loudly to cover his fear. Page ? * New words and expressions dissuade: vt. prevent (sb.) from doing sth. by giving reasons 固定搭配dissuade sb. from doing sth. 他们劝她别辍学。 They dissuaded her from leaving school. Page ? * New words and expressions contact: n. state of touching or communication 我和她已好几年没联系了。 I have been out of contact with her for several years. make / establish contact with 与…取得联系 be out of / break off / lose contact with与…失去联系 Page ? * New words and expressions accomplish: vt. finish successfully; achieve (a purpose); carry out (a plan, etc.) 他按时完成了他的任务。 He accomplished his task on time. Page ? * New words and expressions conquer: vt. defeat; win victory over; overcome 你必须克服抽烟的坏习惯。 You must conquer your bad habit of smoking. Page ? * Knighthood Ceremony The king or Queen takes the sword of the person being honored or borrows one from someone present at the ceremony. The person about to be knighted kneels on one knee and bows his head respectfully in front of the King or Queen. Page ? * The King or Queen touches with the sword first the left shoulder of the person bowing before him or her then the right shoulder and finally the top of the bowed head. While doing this the King or Queen says We dub thee Sir_______. Page ? * Page ? * LOGO LOGO Unit 2 Sailing Round the World Discussion Do you like


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