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减少玻璃幕墙的使用面积单层玻璃幕墙的节能技术   幕墙是一种悬挂在建筑物结构框架前面的外墙围护构件,它的自重和所受风荷载通过锚接点传至建筑物结构框架上。幕墙构件之间的接缝和连接用现代建筑技术手法处理,使幕墙形成连续的墙面。而玻璃幕墙以其外观简洁.通透.富有现代感,甚至是企业实力和形象的象征,加之人们的审美倾向受现代主义风格的影响,使当今玻璃幕墙在高层办公写字楼商务酒店建筑中的风靡程度有增无减,几乎是世界各大城市高层建筑立面的一致选择。玻璃幕墙可以减少传统混凝土外墙大量的钢筋.混凝土使用量,对于减少高耗能建材使用所达到的节约能源.资源有很大的帮助;但玻璃幕墙作为建筑外围护结构,其保温.隔热性能均远不及传统墙体,是传统墙体热损失的5~6倍。幕墙的能耗约占整个建筑能耗的40%左右,故幕墙节能在我国公共建筑设计节能中有极其重要的地位。 Curtain wall is a hanging in front of the building structure frame of the external retaining member, its weight and the wind load through the anchor point to the building structure frame. Curtain wall components between the joint and connection with modern construction techniques, the curtain wall to form a continuous wall. While the glass curtain wall with its concise appearance. Permeability. The rich modern feeling, even a symbol of strength of enterprises and the image of the influence, and peoples aesthetic preferences by modernist style, so that the glass curtain wall in high-rise office building office building in the popularity of Traders Hotel continues unabated, is almost the same face the world each big city selection of high-rise building. Glass curtain wall can reduce a lot of traditional reinforced concrete wall. The concrete usage, to reduce high energy consumption building materials to save energy. Resources are of great help; but the glass curtain wall as the building envelope insulation performance, the heat insulation. Are far less than traditional wall body, is the traditional wall heat loss of 5 ~ 6 times. The curtain wall of energy consumption accounts for about 40% of the whole building energy consumption, energy-saving curtain wall has the extremely important status in Chinas energy-saving in public building design.   一、玻璃幕墙的节能技术 Energy saving technology, glass curtain wall   1.双层玻璃幕墙 1 double glass curtain wall   (1)双层幕墙又称为热通道幕墙.呼吸式幕墙.通风式幕墙等,国外也有称作主动式幕墙。双层玻璃幕墙是由内.外两层玻璃幕墙组成,两层幕墙中间形成一个通风换气层,同时外层幕墙设置进风口和出风口,通过控制通风换气层的开合以及对内.外幕墙材料的选择,达到节能通风的目的。现在也常常在两层幕墙之间加入百叶达到调和自然光线和节能的目的。 ( 1 ) do


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