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Page1.Relays in high voltage switch the correct application(继电器在高压开关中的正确运用) English text Firstly,almost Assyria Current use of hv switchgear quadratic system by a multitude of relays, more contacts auxiliary switch and travel switch and composed pressure switch components, including relays class in proportion of the about 70%, facing the complex complex relays products, how to choose, correctly use, is the system development, design personnel close attention and should give priority to the actual problems, especially as hv switchgear quadratic control section, use plenty of relays, in its operation also has its unique particularity, selection of willpower, directly related to the substation equipment reliable safety runs, in case of accident will be particularly severe, so to achieve reasonable selection, correctly use, we must fully research analysis system of practical application condition and actual technical parameters of the proposed requirements, rightly chosen relays products must achieve technical performance, the whole system design, and on the basis of the importance of the whole system, reliability, by use of environmental conditions and cost factors such as comprehensive consideration of the rational choice of relays. Secondly,to use environmental conditions of choice Climate stress elements, is mainly refers to temperature, humidity, air pressure (altitude), coastal atmospheric (salt fog corrosion), dust pollution, chemical gas and electromagnetic interference factors, considering the high voltage switch in many bad working conditions, especially as wide operating equipment running high voltage circuit breaker in outdoor environment, work situation worse, and undertakes the particularity and reliable operation system key parts must choose those who have high altitude, strong resistance of whole sealing products, because only full seal of relay will has good long-term tolerance atrocious environmental performance, excellent electrical contact i


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