植入器械的远程随访及家庭监测 讲解材料.ppt

植入器械的远程随访及家庭监测 讲解材料.ppt

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植入器械的远程随访及家庭监测 讲解材料.ppt

进入网页后,输入你的名字及密码后就可以查看患者情况,注意:当你忘记你的网名及密码时,你还可以电话:Security measures such as full username and password authentication ensure data privacy and integrity. 这是有的所有病人的清单:姓名、病历号、植入日期等。起搏器型号及序号等Upon entering the Medtronic CareLink Clinician site, you’ll first see your Patient List. Here are all of your clinic’s patient listed, along with their device, implant date, the date of their last CareLink transmission, and an Event Summary. In the Event Summary, you’ll be able to quickly see if there have been any events, shocks or anything that might need your immediate attention. It is also from this page that you can print patient reports, and batch process multiple patients’ report. Go to next page to learn how. 然后查看具体患者的情况。Here is the Quick Look for John Smith. You’ll note the format is very similar to how it is shown on the Programmer. To see additional information, the user clicks on “PRINT.” The user can select to view or print specific reports by clicking on boxes in the list, or (as shown here) can opt to SELECT ALL reports. 组成:植入器械;病人监测仪、网络系统、德国BIOTRONIC中心、医生 病人家中的可移动接受器,重量不到半斤,类似早期的手机。 这是整个工作过程:患者家中的监测仪一方面接受起搏器的信息,同时通过无线网络系统发送到当地的接受站,在送到德国的总站,这些信息再通过网络输送到全球每一个医生。医生在通知病人。 -对所有实践的传输时间在5分钟之内,特点是覆盖全球、保密、有效。 医生可以登陆网站了解每一位患者的情况,也可以通过传真及电子邮件收到患者的情况。 这是公司网址,输入用户名及密码便可进入。 Up to 15 seconds pre-termination w/ IEGM-Online HD 利用IEGM-Online? HD核对一个成功治疗 早期发现 在症状出现之前采取有效的预防治疗 有效利用医疗资源 为患者提供最佳的针对性治疗 缓解病人焦虑 帮助病人摆脱植入设备所带来的焦虑情绪 BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring可以对植入设备和病人状况提供自动监测 先进技术提高病人的生活质量 without HM option with HM FUs 0 50 100 150 200 250 3M group 12M group HM saves 40% time (81 hours) normalized interpolated calculation for 100 pts each arm p.a. (Base: 115 pts, mean observation time 117 days), [2] Elsner et al 2006, A prospective multicenter comparison trial of Home Monitoring against regular follow-up in MaditII patients: Additional visits and cost impact; Computer in Cardiology; 33:241-244 (intermediate results) REFORM trial: Physician hours spent in treating patients Home


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