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八年级下学期期末综合能力评估试题Ⅰ Written test part (共95分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (??? )1.? How beautiful ______ watch is! May I have ______ look at it? A. the; 不填???? ?????????? B. a; a?? C. a; 不填? ????????????? ? D. the; a (??? )2.?? —Who taught ______ Chinese last year? —Nobody. He learned it by ______. A. him; his??? ??????? ?????? B. his; him? C. him; himself ? ? ????? D. himself; him (??? )3. —Excuse me. Wheres the supermarket? —Go along this street, ______ youll find it. A. but ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? B. or?????? C. and???? ???????????????????? D. if? (??? )4.?? —Whats the ______ of that cloud? —It looks like a tiger. A. colour ? ? ? ? ? ? B. shape? C. name? ???????????????????? D. size? (??? )5.?? —You look so ______. Whats wrong? —I went to bed too late last night. A. sleepy?????????????? ?????? B. strict?? C. lovely? ???????????????????? D. polite (??? )6.?? —Do you like hamburgers? —No, I ______ eat them. They are bad for my health. A. usually?????? ????????????? B. just?? C. hardly ???????????????????? D. almost (??? )7.?? Linda was ill yesterday. ______, she didnt go to school. A. From now on ? ?????? B. All the time?????? C. As a result???????? ?????? D. From time to time (??? )8.?? My sister is good at singing. Shes going to ______ a singing competition this weekend. A. enter?? ???????????????????? B. stop??? C. accept ???????????????????? D. last (??? )9.?? Listen! Whos singing? It ______ so nice! A. smells ???????????????????? B. sounds?????? C. tastes? ???????????????????? D. looks?? (??? )10. —Will you go for a picnic tomorrow? —Well, it ______ the weather. A. thinks of ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B. agrees with? C. listens to ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. depends on (??? )11. When we heard the funny story, we couldnt help ______. A. laugh??????????????? ?????? B. to laugh C. laughing???? ????? ?????? D. laughed? (??? )12. Its time for class. Stop ______ now. A. talk???? ???????????????????? B. to talk C. talked ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. talking (???



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