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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 未来挑战 Future Challenges 零售點展示煙草產品作為宣傳行銷手法 Point- of- sale tobacco display as promotional tactic by tobacco industry 禁煙區管理人法律責任 Legal liability of venue managers of no smoking areas * 未来挑战 Future Challenges 户外公共场所二手烟 Secondhand smoke exposure in outdoor public areas 其他控烟措施-烟税、戒烟服务等 Other tobacco control measures – tobacco tax, cessation service etc * 网址 Website 1. 香港特区政府卫生署控烟办公室  Tobacco Control Office, Department of Health, HKSARG .hk 2. 香港吸烟与健康委员会 Hong Kong Council On Smoking and Health (COSH) 3. 《吸烟(公众卫生)条例》,第371章 《定额罚款(吸烟罪行)条例》,第600章 Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance, Chapter 371 Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) Ordinance, Chapter 600 .hk/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2009年7月(1 July 2009) 给予某些娱乐场所,如麻将会所、酒吧和夜总会的暂缓禁烟安排结束 Exemption of smoking ban for hospitality establishments ( e.g. bars, nightclubs, etc) expired. 所有公众地方的室内区域实施禁烟 Smoke-free in all indoor public areas * 扩大禁烟区 Extend no smoking areas * 扩大禁烟区 Extend no smoking areas 2009年9月1日(1 September 2009) 48个有上盖公共运输设施实施禁烟 Smoking ban extended to 48 covered public transport facilities from 1 September 2009. * 扩大禁烟区 Extend no smoking areas 卫生署执法队伍 Enforcement Officers of the Department of Health 根据《吸烟(公众卫生)条例》委任及授权 Appointed under, and empowered by, the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance 执法范畴 Areas of enforcement 禁烟规定 Smoking ban 取缔非法售卖烟草予未成年人士 Prohibition of sale of tobacco products to minors; 取缔非法烟草广告 Prohibition of tobacco advertisement. * 禁制烟草广告 Tobacco Advertising Ban 2008年、 2009年11月 (Nov 2008 and Nov 2009) 先后取消小型烟草零售商及小贩摊档展示烟草广告的豁免 Repealed exemptions to display advertisements for small tobacco retailers and hawkers by phases 全面禁止烟草广告 Total ban of tobacco advertising became effective * 规定烟草产品封包加入图像健康忠告 Pictorial Warning on Cigarette Pack * 选举最具阻吓性图象健康忠告 A Pictorial health warning that was


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