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毕业设计(论文) 课 题 名 称 AT89C51单片机的智能抽水灌溉系统设计 学 生 姓 名 学 号 系、年级专业 指 导 教 师 职 称 2016年 月 日 摘 要 当今世界日新月异,在我们学过的历史中,有第一次工业革命,第二次工业革命,每次的革命都意味着技术的提升,解放人们的双手,纵观历史,我们会发现,科技是推动一切发展的根源,人们的欲望又推动着科技的发展,现在人们吃喝住行,愈来愈智能化,意味着生活一切的智能,现在人们已经开始追求智能的生活了,智能最多的是体现在了城市中,在农村很少有智能的东西,因此束缚了农民的劳动力,农村也需要智能也需要改革。 以前农民种植都是需要农民自己浇灌,很费时间和资源,农民也不能经常外出打工,因为农业智能化低,需要很多的劳动力,所以在这种矛盾中我们开始了智能抽水灌溉系统,目的就是解放农民的双手,让他们有更多的时间可以外出务工,增加家庭收入。 智能抽水灌溉系统是用51单片机为核心控制的,YL-69是一个传感器就是把土壤湿度信息传给单片机的,LCD1602是把数据读出来让人们可以直观的看到,蜂鸣器是一个喇叭有发出声音的作用。使用YL-69把湿度信息传给单片机,单片机来处理传输来的信息,判断怎么执行,然后将执行的信号发给各个控制器,这就完成了一个系统的功能了。 ABSTRACT In todays rapidly changing world, in we learned about the history, the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution, every revolution means the promotion of technology, liberating the peoples hands, throughout history, we will find that, science and technology is the source of promoting the development of all, the desire of the people and promote the development of science and technology, people now eat to live, become more and more intelligent means of all lifes intelligent, now people have began to pursue the smart living, smart most is reflected in the cities, in rural areas is rarely a smart things and so shackled the labor of farmers, rural areas need a smart also needs reform. Before farmers are farmers and pour yourself, it costs time and resources, farmers cant often go out to work, because of the low intelligent agriculture, requires a lot of labor force, so in this contradiction we began intelligent pumping irrigation system, purpose is to liberate their hands, let them have more time to migrant workers, increase the income of the family. Intelligent pumping irrigation system is with 51 single-chip microcomputer as the core control, YL-69 is a sensor is the soil moisture information to single chip, LCD1602 is to read out the data so that people can see intuitively, the buzzer is a horn sound effect. Use YL-69 to the hum


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