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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:浅析贵州茅台集团的筹资问题 院 系: 会计学院 专 业: 会计学 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2015年 6月 摘要 企业的血脉是资本,是持续推动企业经济活动的力量。企业筹资活动表现为既定目标下如何选择企业筹资框架,是一个动态的过程,即反映企业筹资行为合理与否是通过筹资结构。如何选择筹资方式对于各企业而言是非常重要的,怎样去把握筹资的规模,怎样把各种筹资方式组合成最适合企业的筹资框架,这些问题都是在筹资之前就需要进行认真研究和分析的。本文从筹资的概念和方式入手,以贵州茅台集团为研究对象,将集团筹资问题的其优缺点进行比较分析,提出来一些影响企业选择筹资方式的因素,最后针对这些影响因素,结合资本市场状况和企业现状,分析了应该如何选择筹资方式,以便实现企业的持续经营与效益的最大化。 关键词:筹资;茅台;框架;体制;改革 Abstract capital is the blood, is the power of continue to promote enterprise economic activities. Enterprise financing activities show the stated goal of how to choose the enterprise financing under the framework, is a dynamic process, which reflect the enterprise financing behavior is reasonable or not through the financing structure. How to choose the financing way for each enterprise is very important, how to grasp the scale of financing, how to put all kinds of financing ways into the most suitable for enterprises financing framework, these problems are to be carried out before the financing needs careful study and analysis. This article obtains from the concept and the way of financing to guizhou maotai group as the research object, the group, comparing their advantages and disadvantages analysis of financing problems, bring up some factors influencing the enterprises choose the financing way, finally aimed at these factors, combined with capital market conditions and the status quo of the enterprise, should be how to choose the financing way are analyzed, in order to achieve the continuing operations of the enterprise and benefit maximization.. Key Words: fFinancing; Maotai. Framework; System; Reform 1绪论 1背景与意义 企业的创立、发展和生存,前提必须是以企业筹资方式的选择与比较一次次的投资、筹资、再筹资为。企业的血脉是资本,是持续推动企业经济活动的力量。企业筹资活动表现为既定目标下如何选择企业筹资框架,是一个动态的过程,即反映企业筹资行为合理与否是通过筹资结构。如何选择筹资方式对于各企业而言是非常重要的,怎样去把握筹资的规模,怎样把各种筹资方式组合成最适合企业的筹资框架,这些问题都是在筹资之前就需要进行认真研究和分析的。本文从筹资的概念和方式



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