农村法制讲座讲稿(Lecture notes on rural legal system).docVIP

农村法制讲座讲稿(Lecture notes on rural legal system).doc

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农村法制讲座讲稿(Lecture notes on rural legal system).doc

农村法制讲座讲稿(Lecture notes on rural legal system) Lectures on Legal Publicity in rural areas The broad masses of the village: How do you do! The topic I want to address today is mainly around the construction of a new socialist countryside, The broad masses of people How do the masses learn law, abide by the law and use them in daily life, and how to protect themselves with law? Legal rights and interests, general secretary Hu Jintao stressed, We should strengthen legal publicity and education, and spread law Law knowledge, carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, enhance the legal awareness of the whole society, forming the law before everyone Equality, everyone consciously abide by the law, the use of social atmosphere. Visible, legal publicity and education bear Popularize legal knowledge, Carrying forward the spirit of rule of law, Cultivating the idea of rule of law, It's building a modern country, The main premise and foundation of constructing a harmonious and stable socialist new countryside, Our country passed five Five years of popularizing law education, People's legal concept is obviously enhanced, But the broad masses of the people The legal quality is far from meeting the needs of building a new socialist countryside. So how do you do that? System construction is included in the daily life of the common people, so that the people can consciously abide by the law, protect the law, not Off to improve their knowing, law-abiding awareness and ability to act according to the law, and not to break the law, how is Exercising power, consciously fulfilling obligations, and rationally expressing demands. "Have words to say, something depends on." Justice" We should jointly maintain the stability of the rural society and jointly promote the construction of a new socialist countryside With the strong atmosphere of obeying the law, abiding by the law and using the law, I aim at a few of the regular events in rural areas Class dispute, And how to deal with it?, A br


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