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Unit 9 Mark Twain? Mirro?r of Ameri?ca 1 Cruis?e 1)n乘船游览? They went on a cruis?e to Wuhan?. 2) vi. 乘船巡游 They will go cruis?ing in the Medit?erran?ean. cruis?e missi?le 巡航导弹c?ruise? train? 旅游列车 cruis?er 巡洋舰 The cruis?er was surro?unded? by the enemy?. bruis?e [bru:z] n.瘀伤, 伤痕, 擦伤 Patri?otic: Feeli?ng, expre?ssing?, or inspi?red by love for ones count?ry.爱国的, His speec?h was full of patri?otic senti?ments?. patri?otic song 爱国歌曲 patri?otism? 爱国主义; 爱国心, 爱国精神 patri?otism? educa?tion 爱国主义教?育 dealt? (give out as a share? ) deal dealt? dealt? deal out 分配, 分给 deal in 买卖, 经营 deal with 1)惠顾; 与…交易, 和…做买卖 2)应付, 处理; 对待 3)论述, 涉及 frail?ty, (性格或行为?上的)弱点, 缺点be likel?y to yield? to tempt?ation? frail? 脆弱的, 薄弱的, (尤指身体)虚弱的 2 Diges?t 1)透彻了解 It often? takes? a long time to diges?t new ideas?. 2) 消化 3) n.摘要, 文摘, 汇编 diges?tion [di5dV?estFE?n] 消化能力 diges?tive [di5dV?estiv?] adj.消化(食物)的 diges?tive disea?se 消化系统疾?病 Score?: 1) v(在游戏、 比赛中)得分 to score? a point?得一分 2)(在游戏,比赛中)给人评分,判分,记分 Will you score? for us when we play? 3)(游戏、比 赛的)得分,评分 4)宿怨,旧仇 I have some old score?s to settl?e with that fwllo?w. 5) A group? of 20 items?.20个一组? score? for 批评 Criti?cs score?d him for his fooli?shnes?s. score? off 使出丑; 驳倒 She enjoy?s tryin?g to score? off other? peopl?e. score?board? 记分板sc?oreca?rd 记分卡 3. downs?tream? [7daun?5stri?:m]在下游; 顺流地 We were rowin?g downs?tream? towar?ds the sea. downr?ight 完全地 That road is downr?ight dange?rous! downh?earte?d 垂头丧气的?, 无精打采的? downs?tairs?楼下 upstr?eam adv.adj.向上游(的); 逆流(的) . Drain?: vt. vi.1)(使)流干, (使)逐渐流走 It was not easy to drain? the flood?ed mine. 2)vt.喝光, 喝干 Lets drain? the glass? dry. 3) n排水沟, 排水管 The drain? was choke?d up with dirt. drain? away (使)用尽〔消耗完〕 Now that price? are risin?g so fast, all my money? is drain?ing away. drain?age: 排水系统, 下水道 drain?age canal? 排水渠 drain?age ditch? 排水沟 drain?age basin? 美流域,流域盆地 drain?age facil?ity 排水设施 4. cast: 分配(演戏剧等的?)角色 cast a cloud? on 在…上投下一层?阴影 cast a net 撒网 cast a spell? on 用符咒迷惑?; 迷住


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