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 Quest?ion 1   M: After? high schoo?l, I’d like to go to colle?ge and major? in busin?ess admin?istra?tion.   W: But I’d rathe?r spend? my colle?ge days findi?ng out how child?ren learn?.   Q: What do we learn? from the conve?rsati?on?   Quest?ion 2   W: Is every?thing? ready? for the confe?rence??   M: The only thing? left to do is set up the micro?phone?s and speak?ers. Theyll be here in a few minut?es.   Q: What prepa?ratio?ns have yet to be made?   Quest?ion 3   W: Is it almos?t time to go home now? Im so tired?. I can hardl?y see strai?ght.   M: Just a few more minut?es, then we can go.   Q: What is the woman?’s probl?em?   Quest?ion 4   W: Im not sure what I’m in a mood for. Ice-cream? or sandw?iches?? They are both reall?y good here.   M: The movie? start?s in an hour. And we still? have to get there? and park. So just make a decis?ion.   Q: What does the man mean?   Quest?ion 5   W: Tom said he would? come to repai?r our solar? heate?r when he has time.   M: He often? says he is willi?ng to help, but he never? seems? to have time.   Q: What does the man imply? about? Tom?   Quest?ion 6   W: So you know that Sam turns? down the job offer?ed by the trave?l agenc?y.   M: Yes. The hours? were conve?nient?. But if he had accep?ted it, he would?n’t be able to make ends meet.   Q: What do we learn? from the conve?rsati?on?   Quest?ion 7   M: Could? you tell me a bit about? the busin?ess your compa?ny is doing??   W: We mainl?y deal with large? volum?e buyer?s from weste?rn count?ries and our produ?cts have been well recei?ved.   Q: What busin?ess is the woman?’s compa?ny doing??   Quest?ion 8   W: Yeste?rday I made reser?vatio?ns for my trip to Miami? next month?.   M: You must reall?y be looki?ng forwa?rd to it. You haven?’t had any time off for at least? two years?.   Q: What is the woman? going? to do? 听力长对话?原文1   M: Excus?e me, I need some infor?matio?n about? some of the towns? near here.   W: What would? you like to know?   M: Well, first?, Id like direc?tion



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