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AbstractMobile application developed rapidly because of the Combination of MobileCommunication and Internet. The service of mobile application offers the informationfrom internet for us. The paper applies the mobile application technique to search bookin the library and designs the Mobile Library System. It can bring convenience foruniversity students to searching and borrowing book.Above all, the paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of existing in themobile application. Then, the Mobile Library System based on J2ME and J2EE isproposed in the paper. With consideration of maintaining, reusing and extending of thesystem, J2EE 3-Tier architecture is adopted in the system. According to thecharacteristic of the Mobile Library System, on the designing of mobile clientapplication, interface and data model achieve separation beca use that MVC designingmodel are adopted, using scale method achieve picture zoom function in the Canvasclass, using Push registration mechanism achieve regularly reminded of the bookfeatures, developing a generic Table UI components to show results. On the designingof server application, using HttpHandler class implements the client and server-sidecommunication, packaging with the operation of the database by Servlet technology andJavaBean technology, implementing objects’ serialize and deserialize by API which areprovided by the CLDC, which are used with the purpose of improving the performanceof system. Then the paper describes the designing and implementing process of key partof system in details. At last, the paper demonstrates the running effect of the MobileLibrary System and gives sums-up and expectation.Keywords: Mobile LibraryJ2ME J2EE MVC目录第一章 绪论 11.1 项目背景 11.2 项目来源 21.3 项目期间主要完成的工作 31.4 章节安排 4第二章 移动开发技术平台 52.1 BREW 平台 52.2 .NET 平台 52.3 J2ME 平台 62.4 三种平台的比较 62.5 本章小结 7第三章 J2ME 概论 93.1 J2ME 简介 93.1.1 J2ME 的历史 93.1.2 J2ME 与 J2EE 及 J2SE 的比较 103.2 J2ME 体系结构103.2.1 虚拟机层 113.2.2 配置(Configuration)和 CLDC 113.2.3 描述(Profile)和


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