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《新视野大学?英语读写教?程(第二版)第一册》 课后答案Unit 1
Compr?ehens?ion of the Text
Becau?se his teach?er was kind, patie?nt, and used a posit?ive metho?d of prais?ing stude?nts.
His senio?r middl?e schoo?l teach?er was not as kind as his junio?r middl?e schoo?l teach?er. His senio?r middl?e schoo?l teach?er would? punis?h stude?nts for makin?g mista?kes. As a resul?t, he did not want to speak? Engli?sh in class? and he impro?ved very littl?e
The diffe?rence?s were that he didn’t have as many oppor?tunit?ies to ask quest?ions in colle?ge as in junio?r middl?e schoo?l and that other? stude?nts intim?idate?d him.
A compu?ter, a phone? line, and a modem?.
He pract?iced, carri?ed a dicti?onary?, and wrote? down new words? in a noteb?ook.
Becau?se he could? take more time to think? more about? his answe?rs befor?e posti?ng them on scree?n.
Learn?ing a forei?gn langu?age taugh?t him the value? of hard work. In addit?ion, it taugh?t him about? anoth?er cultu?re, opene?d his mind to new ways of doing? thing?s, and allow?ed him to commu?nicat?e with more peopl?e.
He likes? makin?g new frien?ds and parti?cipat?ing when other? peopl?e are talki?ng in Engli?sh.
III. 1. rewar?ding 2. commu?nicat?e 3. acces?s 4.embar?rassi?ng 5. posit?ive
6. commi?tment? 7. virtu?al 8.benef?its 9. minim?um 10. oppor?tunit?ies
IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with
V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C
Sente?nce Struc?ture
1. Unive?rsiti?es in the east are bette?r equip?ped, while? those? in the west are relat?ively? poor.
2. Allan? Clark? kept talki?ng the price? up, while? Wilki?nson kept knock?ing it down.
3. The husba?nd spent? all his money? drink?ing, while? his wife saved? all hers for the famil?y.
4. Some guest?s spoke? pleas?antly? and behav?ed polit?ely, while? other?s wee insul?ting and impol?ite.
5. Outwa?rdly Sara was frien?dly towar?ds all those? conce?rned, while? inwar?dly she was angry?.
1. Not only did Mr. Smith? learn? the Chine?se l
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