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行测练习题--数量推理与数量关系(Line test exercises -- quantity reasoning and quantity relation).doc
行测练习题--数量推理与数量关系(Line test exercises -- quantity reasoning and quantity relation)
1. arithmetic progression and its transformation
Example: 1,4,7,10,13, ()
The answer is C. It is easy to see that the difference between two adjacent numbers is a constant 3, so the number in parentheses should be 16. The arithmetic progression is one of the common law reasoning test in digital array.
Example: 3,4,6,9, (), 18
The answer is C. Careful observation, the adjacent two constitutes the difference of an arithmetic progression. Therefore, 1,2,3,4,5 soon you can calculate the figures in brackets should be 13, as the adjacent difference is not a constant, but there is obvious regularity, can put it as variant sequence.
2., the sum of two items is equal to third
Example: 34,35,69104, ()
The answer is C. Observing the first three items of the numeral, it is found that the first item and the second item add up to third items, 3435=69, in which the hypothesis is tested in the next number, and 3569=104 is proved, so by analogy, the answer is 173. The sum of the first or the latter is equal to the latter, another important rule of numerical arrangement.
3. geometric progression and its variation
Examples: 3, 9, 27, 81, ()
The answer is A. This is the most basic arrangement, the geometric series. It is characterized by the fact that the quotient between two adjacent numbers is a constant.
Examples: 8, 8, 12, 24, 60, ()
The answer is C. Although the quotient of the adjacent items in this question is not a constant, they are arranged in accordance with certain rules: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, so the answer should be 60 * 3=180, such as this can be considered as a variant of the geometric series.
4. square type and its variant
Example: 1,4,9, (), 25,36
A.10 B.14 C.20 D.16
The answer is D. The examinee at the first glance can see that the first item is 1 square, the second is 2 square, and so o
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