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Unit One Urban Life or Rural Life Ⅰ. Pre-listening Activities Part 1 略 Part 2 There are positive effects and negative effects of living in the suburbs. Positive effects: 1. The air might be cleaner. 2. There are more trees and less traffic congestion. 3. You’ll probably have a garden. Negative effects: 1. Most people drive more and walk less. 2. You’ll have little time for cooking and thus rely heavily on junk food 有积极影响和消极影响住在郊区。 l积极作用: 1。可能是更清洁的空气。 2。有更多的树和更少的交通堵塞。 3所示。你可能会有一个花园。 l负面影响: 1。大多数人多走路少开车。 2。你会没有时间做饭,因此严重依赖于垃圾食品。Script In the suburbs the air might be cleaner, as there are more trees and less traffic congestion. Better still you’ll probably have a garden, which most inner-city dwellers don’t. Gardening is a healthy activity for you, and your children have the chance to play outside every day. This is a lot better for them than playing computer games all day because there is nowhere to go. The disadvantages of living in the suburbs are the flip side of the city advantages. Most people living in the suburbs end up driving more and walking less, as nothing is particularly close. This leads to weight gain and general lack of fitness. Those medium sized journeys that suburb dwellers need to do could be done on a bicycle, although this is not always practical or even possible. A less obvious effect of having to commute is little time for cooking. If a considerable portion of your time is spent getting to and from work, it is tempting to rely heavily on junk food, ready meals and takeaways. None of these is very healthy and too many can lead to obesity and the associated health problems. 郊区的空气可能会更干净,有更多的树和更少的交通堵塞。更好的是你可能会有一个花园,大多数城市居民不。园艺是一种健康的活动,和你的孩子们有机会每天都在外面玩。这是一个更好的比整天玩电脑游戏,因为无处可去。住在郊区的缺点是城市的另一面的优势。大多数人住在郊区多走路少开车,如无特别近。这导致体重增加和普遍缺乏健康。那些郊区居民的中等大小的旅程需要骑自行车就可以完成,虽然这并不总是实用,甚至成为可能。一个不太明显的影响不得不上班没有时间做饭。如果一个相当大的一部分你的上下班时间,人们很容易依赖于垃圾食品,速冻食品和外卖。这些非常健康,过多会导致肥胖和相关的健康问题。 Ⅱ. Listening Tasks Task 1 Understanding Short Conversations 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5.


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