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翻 译 英语:印欧? 结构紧凑 形合 汉语:藏汉? 结构松散 意合 逻辑à语境? Every?thing? is good when new, but frien?ds when old. Altho?ugh the sun shine?s, leave? not your cloak? at home. 糅合à分解? The last few days have found? me very restl?ess. This eveni?ng as I sat in the yard to enjoy? the cool, it struc?k me how diffe?rent the lotus? pool I pass every? day must look under? a full moon. 抽象à具体? Weak thing?s unite?d becom?e stron?g. Natur?e is the true law. There? are many ladie?s who prefe?r to go on diet, becau?se they are not satis?fied with their? figur?es. A numbe?r of ladie?s’ prefe?rence? for banti?ng, or weigh?t reduc?ing, refle?cts their? dissa?tisfa?ction?s with their? figur?es. 被动à主动? Mary was kisse?d by John. If playi?ng truan?t can be viewe?d as norma?l behav?ior, being? punct?ual may be treat?ed as stude?nts’ virtu?e. 替换à重复? The monke?y’s most extra?ordin?ary accom?plish?ment was learn?ing to opera?te a tract?or. By the age of nine, it had learn?ed to solo on the vehic?le. There? will be telev?ision? that plays? shows? hoste?d by robot?s, and cars with pollu?tion monit?ors that will disab?le them when they offen?d. 一. 要求及评分?原则 准确、完整、通顺 信为本、达兼顾、雅可与而不?可求 直译还是意?译? Man’s youth? is a wonde?rful thing?: it is so full of angui?sh and of magic? and he never? comes? to know it as it is, until? it has gone from him forev?er. 如何翻译? 拆 à 解 à 拼 à 理 à 顺 1. 结构“清晰化” 2. 词义“明确化” 3. 语序“通顺化” 4. 书写“工整化” 如何评分? 分段计分 Child?ren will play with dolls? equip?ped with perso?nalit?y chips?, compu?ters with in-built? perso?nalit?ies will be regar?ded as workm?ates rathe?r than tools?, relax?ation? will be in front? of smell?-telev?ision?, an the digit?al age will have arriv?ed. 儿童将与装?有个性芯片?的玩具娃娃?玩耍,具有个性内?置的计算机?将被视为工?作伙伴而不?是工具,人们将在气?味电视机前?休闲,到那个时候?数字化时代?就带到了。 The role of natur?al selec?tion in evolu?tion was formu?lated? only a littl?e more than a hundr?ed years? ago, and the selec?tive role of the envir?onmen?t in shapi?ng and maint?ainin?g the behav?ior of the ind


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