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全国200?7年4月高?等教育自学?考试 英语阅读(一)试题 课程代码:00595? 请将答案填?在答题纸相?应位置上 CAREF?UL READI?NG Read the follo?wing passa?ges caref?ully. Decid?e on the best answe?r and write? your answe?r in the corre?spond?ing space? on the ANSWE?R SHEET?. (40 point?s, 2 point?s each) Passa?ge 1 Quest?ions 1 to 5 are based? on the follo?wing passa?ge. One of the quali?ties that most peopl?e admir?e in other?s is the willi?ngnes?s to admit? one’s mista?kes .It is extre?mely hard somet?imes to say a simpl?e thing? like “I was wrong? about? that,” and it is even harde?r to say,“ I was wrong?, and you were right? about? that.” I had an exper?ience? recen?tly with someo?ne admit?ting to me that he had made a mista?ke fifte?en years? ago. He told me he had been the manag?er of a certa?in groce?ry store? in the neigh?borho?od where? I grew up, and he asked? me if I remem?bered? the egg carto?ns. Then he relat?ed an incid?ent and I began? to remem?ber vague?ly the incid?ent he was descr?ibing?. I was about? eight? years? old at the time, and I had gone into the store? with my mothe?r to do the weekl?y groce?ry shopp?ing. On that parti?cular? day, I must have found? my way to the dairy? food depar?tment? where? the incid?ent took place?. There? must have been a speci?al sale on eggs that day becau?se there? was an impre?ssive? displ?ay of eggs in dozen? and half-dozen? carto?ns. The carto?ns were stack?ed three? or four feet high. I must have stopp?ed in front? of a displ?ay to admir?e the stack?s. Just then a woman? came by pushi?ng her groce?ry cart and knock?ed off the stack?s of carto?ns. For some reaso?n, I decid?ed it was up to me to put the displ?ay back toget?her, so I went to work. The manag?er heard? the noise? and came rushi?ng over to see what had happe?ned. When he appea?red, I was on my knees? inspe?cting? some of the carto?ns to see if any of the eggs were broke?n, but to him it looke?d as thoug?h I were the culpr?it. He sever?ely repri?mande?d me and wante?d me to pay for the broke?n eggs.


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