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北京市各区2018届高三二模英语试卷 英 语 作 文;北京市海淀区2018届高三二模英语试卷 英 语 作 文;第三部分:书面表达(共两节,35分) 第一节(15分) 你班英语课上以“I Have A Dream”为题进行“说”的练习,请你写一份讲稿,内容包括: 1.你的梦想是什么; 2.你为何有此梦想; 3.你如何实现梦想。 注意: 1.词数不少于50; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello, everybody! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you. (请务必将作文写在答题纸指定区域内);One Possible Version Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to share my dream with you. I have a dream that one day I could be a pianist. I dream of playing a sweet tune for those who need music, bringing happiness to sorrowful souls and enthusiasm to weary spirits. I love music, and I love the feeling of playing music in front of the audience. Of all the instruments, the delicate yet powerful sound a piano makes impresses me most. It’s clear that I have a long way to go before I realize my dream. Therefore, I will practice every day as long as time permits and learn as many songs as I can. I will put my heart into my pursuit of music and never give up. I am confident that one day my dream will come true. Thank you. ;第二节(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英语写一篇日记。记述上周末你和你的英国朋友Jim用微信支付购物的过程。 注意:词数不少于60。 提示词: 二维码QR code; 糖葫芦candy-coated haws(tanghulu);内容要点: 1.欲购买糖葫芦;2.现金付款未果;3.微信支付成功;4.解释微信支付。One Possible Version It seems that everything in China is new to my British friend, Jim. Last weekend, when Jim and I were wandering on the streets, enjoying the beautiful scenery and fresh air of spring, a candy-coated haws stand caught his attention. Having never tasted a candy-coated haw, he immediately went up to buy one. However, the vendor shook her head when seeing the 100-yuan note Jim handed over to her. She had no change! How disappointed Jim was! He was about to quit when I took out my cellphone, scanned the QR code on the stand and paid the vendor 5 yuan. Jim was surprised at what I had done. Then I explained to him that nowadays in China QR cod



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