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Clinic Staging of Thymic Tumors ;Thymic Tumors; No official stage classification by UICC(Union for International Cancer Control) and AJCC(American Joint Committee on Cancer) Various classification (Masaoka, modified Masaoka, NETT,TNM) ITMIG(International Thymic Malignancy Interesting Group) has chosen to use the Masaoka-Koga stage classification system, consistent with what has been adopted most broadly.(2011.02) . ;Stage Definition I Grossly and microscopically completely encapsulated tumor II a Microscopic transcapsular invasion b Macroscopic invasion into thymic or surrounding fatty tissue, or grossly adherent to but not breaking through mediastinal pleura or pericardium III Macroscopic invasion into neighboring organ (i.e. pericardium, great vessel or lung) IV a Pleural or pericardial metastases b Lymphogenous or hematogenous metastasis ;Grossly and microscopically completely encapsulated tumor This includes tumors with invasion into but not through the capsule If capsule is partially absent - should not be interpreted as invasion ;Microscopic transcapsular invasion If there is limited microscopic extension into tissues surrounding the capsule the tumor should be classified as stage IIa, minimally invasive ;Gross visual tumor extension into normal thymus or perithymic fat surrounding the thymoma (microscopically confirmed) ;Adherence to pleura or pericardium making removal of these structures necessary during resection, with microscopic confirmation of perithymic invasion but without microscopic extension into or through the mediastinal pleura or into the fibrous layer of the pericardium;This includes extension of the primary tumor to any of the following tissues: Microscopic involvement of mediastinal pleura (either partial or penetrating the elastin layer) Microscopic in


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