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湖北省第二十届外语翻译大赛大学B组笔译初赛试题 第一部分 汉译英选择题 (20 X 2’ = 40’) 说明: 本题测试你选择正确汉译英译文的能力。请将你认为正确的选项A或B 在答题纸上圈出。每题只有一个正确答案,选多选少均为0分。该部分共有20题,每题2分,共40分。 外交部长的话暗示外交政策会有些变化。 The foreign minister’s words infer that their foreign policy will change a little. What the foreign minister has said implies that there will be a change in the foreign policy. 这个作家把笔放在桌子上开始考虑故事的情节。 The writer lay his pen on the desk and began thinking of the problems. The writer laid his pen on the desk and began thinking of the plot. 总经理是一个非常现实的人,他从未有过什么离奇的想法。 The managing director is a very practical man; he has no fanciful ideas. The managing director is a very practicable man; he does not have nay strange ideas. 老人从座位上站起来迎接这些客人。 The old man raised from his seat and welcome the guests. The old man rose from his seat to greet the guests. 我已经习惯快节奏的工作。 I am used to work in a very quick speed. I am used to working at a quick tempo. 演讲者在讲话结束时说,欢迎大家提问。 The speaker said at the end of his talk that questions were welcome. At the end of his speech, the speaker said that problems are welcome. 我的玛丽婶婶希望她像简一样瘦。 My aunt Mary wishes that she were as slim as Jane. My aunt Mary hopes that she were as thin as Jane. 科学家用有说服力的例子来说明他的理论。 The scientist explained his theory with convinced samples. The scientist illustrated his theory with convincing examples. 中国文化有着五千年的悠久历史。 The Chinese culture has a continuous history of 5,000 years. The Chinese culture has a continual history for 5,000 years. 断断续续的降雨使施工的速度降了下来。 The endless rain makes the construction slow down. The continual rain slowed down the construction. 这对新婚夫妇计划到巴黎旅行度蜜月 The newlyweds plan to make a wedding trip to Paris. The newly-married couples plan to make a travel to Paris for their honeymoon. 观众热烈鼓掌要再来一首歌。 The listeners clapped warmly to require another song. The audience clapped loudly to request another song. 在图书馆借书的学生应该按时归还。 Students who have borrowed books from the library are required to return them on time. Students who have borrowed books from the library


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