幼教师范生的媒介素养教学活动设计分析-design and analysis of media literacy teaching activities for preschool normal students.docx

幼教师范生的媒介素养教学活动设计分析-design and analysis of media literacy teaching activities for preschool normal students.docx

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幼教师范生的媒介素养教学活动设计分析-design and analysis of media literacy teaching activities for preschool normal students

幼教师范生的媒介素养教学活动设计研究摘要21 世纪是信息化、网络化、传媒化的时代,媒介时刻占据着我们的生存 空间,并以其强大的辐射力影响着人们的思维方式和生活方式,渗透于人们生 活的方方面面。如何能在媒介世界中,具备正确使用和有效利用媒介的能力, 已成为现代公民综合素质的指标。幼教师范生作为未来教师,一方面需要提高 自身的媒介素养来适应现代信息社会的变化,另一方面必须肩负起媒介素养启 蒙的责任。对幼教师范生进行媒介素养培养,不仅会对他们即将从事的教育工 作起到非常重要的影响,而且对我国未来人才的培养甚至是全民媒介素养的发 展起到举足轻重的作用。因此,了解和掌握幼教师范生媒介素养教育现状,进 而开展相应的媒介素养教学活动无疑具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本研究采用了文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法、行动研究法等。首先对 国内外媒介素养教育研究进行综述,界定幼教师范生媒介素养的内涵。其次, 笔者选取南京、苏州两所幼儿高等师范学校的学生从媒介接触、媒介知识、媒 介意识、媒介技能、媒介道德、对媒介素养教育的态度六方面设计问卷进行调 查(结合访谈),从而了解幼教师范生媒介素养的现状。第三,探讨媒介素养 教学活动的内容层次结构:知识理解、解释应用、洞察甄选、创作传播、表达 再现和综合运用媒介。在此基础上,教学活动设计要把各层内容有机结合起来 进行,构建教学活动关键环节,包括“设置情景,导出问题”、“启发诱导,主 题探究”、“任务驱动,技能迁移”、“汇报成果,评价讨论”、“总结技巧方法, 形成知识结构”等,每个环节里融入对价值观、生活方式的讨论。最后,运用 行动研究法,结合幼教师范生的专业特点、分别对高年级和低年级师范生开展 相应的教学活动实践,进行效果评估,证实幼教师范生媒介素养确实得到提高。 以期为相关研究者研究幼教师范生媒介素养教育等问题提供一些参考。关键词:幼教师范生;媒介素养;教学活动设计The Research on Media Literacy Instructional Design of the Students from Normal School of Pre-school EducationAbstractThe 21st century is an informational, networking, media era, which always occupies our living space, and significantly impacts on people’s way of thinking and living and permeates every aspect of peoples life. The ability of proper and effectively adapt to the era, has become a modern citizen of the overall quality indicators. The pre-school teacher-training students as teachers in the future, need to improve their media literacy to adapt to the changes in the modern information society. besides, they also responsible to the media literacy enlightenment. The training for the teachers of students from normal school of pre-school education not only bring a very important influence on their future career, but also played a pivotal role for the media literacy of our future talents and even whole nation. Therefore, to know and master of the media literacy status of the teachers of students from normal school of pre-school education has significantly theoretical and practical meaning, for we can find problems by the status and then carry out the corresponding activit



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