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Multitexturing Pipelining of multiple texture applications to one polygon The results of each texture unit application is passed to the next texture unit, which adds its effects More bookkeeping is required to pull this off Intricate:错综复杂的 Stucco:粉饰灰泥 Granite:花岗石 Illusion: 幻想,错觉 Convey:传递,传达 foreshortening effects:远处看山感到较近或较低的情况 Tilt:使倾斜 glTexCoord(s,t) s,t大于1时表示重复纹理。 Prioritize:把。。。区分优先次序 Bump Mapping 凹凸贴图 Bump mapping是在像素级别扰动物体表面法向量的一种光照技术,它一般采用纹理映射作为输入表示扰动的大小。在光照计算时考虑到扰动的法向量,不需要增加额外的几何信息就可以增强被渲染物体的表面细节。 Bump mapping最初由Jim Blinn在1978年发明,他发表了一篇名为 “Simulation of Wrinkled Surfaces”的论文。Blinn使用了一种灰度高度图(grayscale height map)来建模物体表面法向的扰动,扰动法向量的大小用某些表面参数(典型的为纹理坐标)的偏微分和高度图来计算。这些微分表示了某些潜在值的变化率,因此,如果高度的微分值很大,则表示高度图中该点坡度很陡。 Phong shading意思是插值顶点法向量在片元(fragment)级别计算光照公式,而Gouraud shading意思是逐顶点计算光照公式,最后再插值颜色。Phong光照模型(Phongs lighting model)只是一种特定的计算光照的公式,可以在顶点级别也可以在片元级别进行计算。例如OpenGL的标准光照是基于Phong光照模型但使用Gouraud shading。因此,bump mapping可以看作为Phong shading的扩展(使用bump map来扰动法向量),但并不是说你必须用Phong光照模型。 置换贴图 Displacement Mapping Antidote矫正方法 Shimmering 微光 glTexEnv() GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE GL_DECAL GL_REPLACE GL_MODULATE GL_BLEND If GL_BLEND selected, second call to glTexEnv() must specify GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR 4-float array for R,G,B,A blend First argument to function is always GL_TEXTURE_ENV gluScaleImage() Alters the size of an image to meet the 2m size requirement of OpenGL Scaling performed by linear and box filtering glCopyTexImage2D() Use current frame buffer contents as texture Copy frame buffer to named texture location glTexSubImage2D() Replace a region of current working texture with a smaller texture SubImage need not adhere to 2m size limitation This is how you add data from your system’s camera to GL environment glCopyTexSubImage2D Frame buffer cut and paste possible too Texturing with OpenGL Here’s an example setup This configures the texturing system to ? combine (modulate) the texture color with the surface color ? wrap texture coordinates around outside uni