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AndroidLife Cycle Life Cycle The steps that an application goes through from starting to finishing Slightly different than normal Java life cycle due to : the difference in the way Android application are defined the limited resources of the Android hardware platform Android Applications Applications are defined to Android via the android manifest file, located in the root of the Eclipse project definition (AndroidManifest.xml) Double clicking on the AndroidManifest.xml file in the Eclipse project will open the Manifest editor. The manifest editor is the normal way of creating and modifying the manifest file (defining the app to the system) Android Applications An Android application is a collection of activities, an activity correlates to a screen or form that is presented to the user. The HelloAndroid is a simple one screen app that is essentially the same as a Java app run in a terminal/command window. Its AndroidManisest.xml file reflects this : AndroidManifest.xml ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? manifest xmlns:android=/apk/res/android package=com.example.helloandroid android:versionCode=1 android:versionName=1.0 application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/app_name activity android:name=.HelloAndroid android:label=@string/app_name intent-filter action android:name=ent.action.MAIN / category android:name=ent.category.LAUNCHER / /intent-filter /activity /application /manifest manifest The manifest tag has the following attributes: xmlns ; the name of the namespace (android) and where the DTD for the xml parser is located package ; the name of the java package for this application (must have at least two levels) android:version ; the version code for this version of the app android:versionName ; The version name (for publishing) activity child tag of manifest need one activity tag for each activity of the application attributes
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