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修复霜促进激光强脉冲光术后皮肤修复临床观察   [摘要]目的:观察修复霜对激光及强脉冲光照射处皮肤的修复作用。方法:用Q开关掺钕钇铝石榴石激光、半导体激光、红宝石激光和强脉冲光依次照射40名健康受试者双前臂屈侧皮肤,分别涂抹修复霜或安慰剂。于照射前、后,肉眼观察局部皮肤反应,用窄谱反射分光光度计检测黑素指数及红斑指数。结果:半导体激光和强脉冲光照射后局部皮肤仅出现轻微红斑,无色素沉着,除个别时间点外,双侧皮肤黑素指数及红斑指数差别不大;而Q开关掺钕钇铝石榴石激光和红宝石激光照射后,对照侧局部皮肤出现明显的红斑、轻微的水肿及炎症后色素沉着,治疗侧程度轻于对照侧,且较快消退,于术后7天及21天测得黑素指数及红斑指数均低于对照侧。结论:修复霜有利于减轻激光及强脉冲光术后红斑及色素沉着。   [关键词]修复霜;激光;强脉冲光   [中图分类号]R730.57 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)05-0788-03      Recovery Cream Promote the Recovery of the Skin Irradiated by Laser or Intense Pulsed Light   XU Yuan-yuan, WU Yan, GENG Long, GAO Xing-hua, CHEN Hong-duo, LI Yuan-hong   (Department of Dermatology,The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning,China)      Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of a recovery cream on the skin exposed to laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) irradiation. Methods Flexures of both forearms of 40 volunteers received four kinds of light source irradiation in succession: Q-switched Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Nd:YAG) laser, Diode laser, Ruby laser, and IPL,and recovery cream or placebo cream. Changes of the skin color were observed using naked eyes and measured using a Mexameter pre-and post-treatments. Results Diode laser and IPL only induced slight erythema and no pigmentation was observed on both sides.The melanin index and erythema index changed little in most time-points of both sides. After irradiation with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser and ruby laser, however, obvious erythema,slightly edema and post-inflammatory pigmentation were developed on the control side. These responses were more serious and lasted longer than those on the treated side. Furthermore, the melanin index and erythema index of treated side were lower than those of control side. Conclusions The recovery cream is proved to be effective in reducing the erythema and pigmentation induced by laser or IPL irradiation.   Key words:recovery cream; laser; intense pulsed light       自Goldman等197


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