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柴芩承气汤治疗急性重症胰腺炎探索性研究   [摘要] 目的:研究柴芩承气汤治疗急性重症胰腺炎(ASP)的作用。方法:急性重症胰腺炎患者33例(男21例,女12例),按治疗方案分为中西医结合治疗组(23例)和单纯西医治疗组(10例)。中西医结合治疗组在传统西医治疗方案的基础上加用中药柴芩承气汤。结果:33例患者均治愈出院,但在住院时间、治疗费用、连续睡眠时间长短以及自主排便天数方面,中西医结合治疗组明显优于单纯西医治疗组,在镇痛药物使用上,中西医结合治疗组的应用剂量明显低于单纯西医治疗组。结论:柴芩承气汤在治疗急性重症胰腺炎的治疗中作用显著,中西医结合治疗优势明显。   [关键词] 柴芩承气汤;急性重症胰腺炎;中西医结合   [中图分类号] R576 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-4721(2010)06(a)-005-03      Exploratory study on the effect of Chaiqinchengqi Decoction treating acute severe pancreatitis   JIN Qi1,LI Mingzhen2,SHEN Yanxing3,HU Mingming4,HAN Zhongrong1,JIANG Bei1,HUANG Shuo2   (1. Department of Internal Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University, Heilongjiang Province, Jiamusi 154003,China;2. Department of Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University, Heilongjiang Province, Jiamusi 154003,China; 3. Department of Internal Medicine, Hegang Red Cross Hospital, Heilongjiang Province, Hegang 154100,China;4. Department of Internal Medicine, Shandong Province Ankang Hospital, Shandong Province, Jining 273500,China)   [Abstract] Objective: To study the effect of Chaiqinchengqi Decoction treating acute severe pancreatitis (ASP). Methods: 33 cases of ASP (male 21 cases, female 12 cases), were divided into two groups by the different therapy: group1 used clinical medicine combined with Chinese traditional medicine (23 patients), group 2 only used clinical medicine (10 patients). We chose Chaiqinchengqi Decoction as the traditional Chinese medicine. Results: 33 cases of patients were   all cured and discharge. However, the two groups were different in the duration, expense, time of continuing sleep and the time of stool. The group 1 was better than group 2. The usage of analgesic in group 1 were lower than that of group 2. Conclusion: The effect of Chaiqinchengqi Decoction is significant in treating acute severe pancreatitis (ASP). The therapy combined with Chinese traditional medicine and clinical medicine is preferred to clinical medicine.   [Key words


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