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原 创 声 明 本人魏志郑重声明:所呈交的论文“谣言传播与媒介研究——以山西地震谣言为例”,是本人在导师杨迅滋导师的指导下开展研究工作所取得的成果。除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明,本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果,尊重知识产权,并愿为此承担一切法律责任。 论文作者(签字): 日期: 年 月 日 摘 要 在现代环境下,利用灵活无序的网络传播,谣言传播变的速度更快、作用力更强有些言在传播中,常常变样,这一方面是接受者和传播者的记忆错误所致,更重要的是各人在传播过程中有意无意地加上自己的主观色彩。谣言是利用各种渠道传播的对公众感兴趣的事物、事件或问题的未经证实的阐述或诠释 Abstract In the modern environment, use of flexible disorder network communication, the rumor spread become faster and more strong force, and some in the spread of rumors, often starting new, on one hand, it is the memory of the receiver and the communicators caused by error, more important is to every man in the process of transmission unintentionally add their own subjective color. We also know that the rumor is use of various channels (namely media) to the spread of the public interest of the things, events or the question unconfirmed expounds or interpretation. Therefore this paper taking shanxi earthquake rumors as an example, through to document reference and traditional media in shanxi seismic rumors about the news reports, understand shanxi earthquake rumors spread in the process of the audience, media and public managers. Through the funk, combined with the theories of the stage personal knowledge and view would shanxi rumors are divided into five stages, the inside and outside of the media in our country, the media play a role in the spread and media or the stage to dampen media behavior. The last will be based upon Chinas media environment, through to the previous literature research and the authors personal knowledge in the medium of rumors spread the problems in improvement, and put forward countermeasures. Key words: Rumors, Spread information, Mass media, Media behavior 目 录 前 言 1 1个案分析:山西地震谣言的媒介传播 3 1.1山西地震谣言 3 1.1.1山西地震谣言的发展阶段 3 1.1.2山西地震谣言的特性 4 1.1.3山西地震谣言的信息传播渠道 5 1.2山西地震谣言产生分析与媒介审判 5 1.2.1山西地震谣言产生与传播原因 5 1.2.2地震谣言信息传播产生的媒介审判 6 2山西地震谣言中的媒介行为 8 2.1我


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