2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件组合演练 阅读理解七选五完形填空 组合演练(二) 英语备课大师全免费.pptx

2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件组合演练 阅读理解七选五完形填空 组合演练(二) 英语备课大师全免费.pptx

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2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件组合演练 阅读理解七选五完形填空 组合演练(二) 英语备课大师全免费

组合演练阅读理解+七选五+完形填空组合演练(二)  [阅读理解+七选五]Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2017·湖南邵阳大联考)Owning a pet makes us healthier and happier,but for many of us,long hours at work,tight budgets and small flats means it’s just not practical.But there’s good news for animal lovers;you can now cozy up with a cup of tea while spending time with furry friends,as the global movement of animal cafes has reached the UK.The international phenomenon originated in Taipei,where the world’s first cat cafe,Cat Flower Garden,opened in 1998.Curious tourists soon discovered the pet paradise and brought the concept over to Japan.The first Japanese cat cafe opened in Osaka in 2005,and now there are said to be nearly 40 in Tokyo alone.Japan has now gone far beyond the original concept,and some of the trendiest(时髦的) places to visit nowadays have owls,rabbits and goats hanging around.Tokyo’s Fukuro no Mise,which means the “Shop of Owls”,has full guest lists for up to two months.Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium was the first of its kind to open up in East London in 2014.The successful cat cafe takes bookings 50 days ahead and usually about 90% of them book out about 5-6 weeks in advance,Though the business has been a success,the owner Lauren Pears worries a little bit about the sudden rise of cat cafes everywhere.“Cat cafes are still in their beginnings here and we’ve seen a very recent cautionary tale springing up in Singapore with the sudden burst of cat cafes in the city.Earlier this year,one of them was closed down after serious animal welfare issues resulted in the deaths of several cats.” She emphasizes that even though the job is fun and rewarding,it also comes with serious responsibility.语篇解读 本文主要讲了猫咪咖啡馆的出现,使得很多人可以很轻易地接触宠物,但是,过多的猫咪咖啡馆也带来了很多问题。语篇解读1.Which country does the text mainly report about?A.UK. B.China.C.Taipei. D.Singapore.√解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“But there’s good news for animal lovers;you can now cozy up with a cup of tea while spending time with furry friends,as the global movement of animal cafes has reached the UK.”可知,这



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