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学术咨询委员会 Scientific Advisory Board 学术管理委员会 Scientific Management Board 成立背景 战略目标 管理模式 主体框架 最新科技的发展,特别是以蛋白组学和代谢组学为基础的新技术为研究生物学的基本问题提供了全新的手段。C-STM的主体研究将面向我国农业发展的重大需求,探索与植物发育和防护有关的信号转导的基本问题,从细胞和代谢物水平上了解植物细胞内和细胞间信号转导的机制,阐述小分子物质的形成及其生物学功能。由于植物体内的小分子化合物与农作物的品质、人类健康和疾病治疗直接相关,这方面的研究必将对植物品质育种和新药开发产生长远的影响。中心将因人设岗,方向设置尽可能做到互补,课题设置上将采取短/中/长目标相结合的原则。 初步确定的研究方向包括: 激素和多肽信号分子 信号分子与受体间的相互作用 小分子代谢物的功能 毒素与人类健康 胞内与胞外分泌及运输 受精过程的信号识别和合子激活 植物与其它生物的相互作用 为促进学科的发展,C-STM将积极参与所内外合作,统筹建立为科研服务的设备和技术平台,如代谢组学平台、原位杂交平台、FRET分子相互作用平台,以及基于GatewayTM的克隆技术平台等。 The Scopes The general scope of the center is to answer fundamental questions on plant signal transduction, in relation to plant development and defense. C-STM will stay focused on topics that have national strategic importance. These include topics having potential applications in agricultural and pharmaceutical practice. The following research areas (not exclusive) will be considered if appropriate Principal Investigator could be recruited: Hormonal and Peptide signaling Ligand-receptor Interaction Metabolites and functions Toxins and heath-related compounds Endocytosis and exocytosis Interactions between plants and other organisms Signal transduction during fertilization and zygote activation To facilitate the future development, C-STM will be actively involved and support the national and international collaboration, and the establishment of technology platforms that is essential for the above-mentioned research activities, for example, the metabolomicss facilities and the FRET technology for molecular interactions. 研究组 The Research Groups 漆小泉组:次生代谢物及抗病信号传导 Professor Xiao-quan’s Qi Group: Metabolites and Disease Resistance 胡玉欣组:植物激素信号传导 Professor Yuxin Hu’s Group: Hormonal Signal Transduction in Plants * * C-STM 中国科学院植物研究所 Botany Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences 信号转导与代谢组学研究中心 Center for Plant Signal Transduction Metabolomics Professor Yongbiao Xue


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