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* Wellsource recommends these 5 components for a successful wellness program that get results. If you include these key components you will: Improves individual’s health Reduces health care expenses These components will be discussed in more detail in the next slides and in this seminar. MedSTat (thanks Jan) analysis of 2002 paid claims reveals consistent data to this for Motorola. 26% of all dollars spent on medical claims went to the top 10 medical conditions. Heavily weighted, then, toward the “disease” end of the spectrum. They did not analyze by person, but rather by dollars spent. Jan will say more about this. Successful Companies Run Their Health Care Program Like Other Parts of Their Business. They more directly manage their health care supply chain. They emphasize employee productivity and overall health as key goals of their health care program. They have longer health care strategy planning cycles. Successful Companies Engage Employees in Health Care Decision Making. They include employee self-service features in their health care program. They empower employees to take responsibility for health benefits. Through changes in the design and delivery of health care information and benefits, winning They provide employees with self-care information and decision support. Successful Companies Leverage Information and Technology Investments. They use data in health care decision making. They make use of the Internet to administer benefits and distribute health care information. Successful Companies Don’t Make Incremental Changes That Do Things TO — Rather Than WITH — Employees They are less likely to contemplate changing medical vendors. They are less likely to consider reducing or eliminating coverage. (from Watson Wyatt 7th Annual WBGH/Watson Wyatt Survey Report) * * * * * * * * * * 例2:减少健康风险因素,生产力下降百分比减少 生产力下降百分比变化 健康风险因素变化 * 每个员工身上健康风险因素减少一个,每年可以减少生产效率造成的损失US$960 以最少健康风险组为参照,仅仅将员工超出的健康风险因素减少到最少组水平就可以减少990万到1亿8千500万的损失 例2:健康和生产力评价和简单干预的经济效益 *


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