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第 24卷第 3期 机械设计与研究 Vol. 24 No. 3   2008年 6月 M ach ine D e sign and R e search Jun. , 2008 文章编号 :(2008) 0303306 一种新型欠驱动拟人机械手的设计 茅一春 ,  朱向阳 ,  李顺冲 ,  扬飞鸿 (上海交通大学  机械与动力工程学院 ,上海  200240 , Em ail: m aoyichun@ sj tu. edu. cm )   摘  要 : 设计了一种新型的高欠驱动集成化拟人机械手 。仿人假肢手由 4个电机驱动 15个关节 ,其中食 指和中指由一个电机通过安装在掌部的小型齿轮齿条差动机构驱动 , 无名指和小指分别由一个电机各通过一 个安装在掌部的小型齿轮齿条差动机构驱动 ,拇指由两个独立电机驱动 。手指采用了弹性交叉四连杆机构实 现欠驱动控制 ,该手对于不同的抓取物体具有 良好的形状适应性 ,且在部分手指运动受限的情况下具确理想的 力分配特性 。实验结果表明 ,该仿人假肢手可在肌电控制接口的控制下实现仿人灵巧操作 。 关键词 : 拟人机械手 ;欠驱动 ;差速机构 ;肌电控制 中图分类号 : TP275   文献标识码 : A D esign of a Naw Underactua ted Prosthetic Hand MAO Yichun ,  ZHU X iangyang,  L I Shunchong,  YAN G Feihong ( Schoo l of M echan ical Engineering, Shanghai J iao Tong U n iversity, Shanghai 2000030 , Ch ina)   A b stract: A p rototyp e of underactuated p ro sthetic hand is designed and develop ed. The hand ha s 15 revo lu te jo ints, actuated by 4 motors. The first finger arid the m iddle finger of the hand are actuated by one motor. A m in iatu re differential m echan ism is embedded in side the p alm of the hand to control the differential motion of the two fingers. A n other one motor and differential m echan ism is u sed to actuate the ring finger and the little finger. The thum b of the hand is actuated by two indep endent motors, wh ich con trol the rotation and flexure of the thumb , resp ectively. Exp erim ental resu lts show that the hand ha s desirab le p erform ance in shap e adap tive gra sp. In addition, it is cap ab le of im itating hu m an gra sp by u sing a hum anm ach ine interface. Key word s: p


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