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[摘要] 随着工业的发展,人们越来越重视科学、稳定以及环保的生产生活方式;上述生产方式有赖于生产机器的稳定高效的运行,高效的运行可以利用一定的技术手段对设备进行改造达到目的,相应的,由于高效的生产方式,能量消耗的增加必然造成设备热能的散失加剧,这些热能使得设备的内部部件老化程度加快甚至故障,那么相应的冷却系统也就应运而生了。 水冷以其卓越的散热效果以及其经济性而倍受青睐,但是在水资源日益缺乏的今天,一次性的水冷无论从它的环保性以及其花费来说都不是好的选择,那么,一个经济高效的水循环系统就满足上述要求。 工业水冷系统,不仅安全实用,而且水的吸热量大,被广泛应用于工业生产现场;在国家越来越重视可持续性发展的今天,循环水的应用不仅仅令工厂节约了大量的成本,而且在发展与环境方面做到了协调平衡的作用,减少了资源的浪费,降低了污染。 传统的水循环控制系统不仅设计安装复杂,更重要的是由于设备的老化速度快,可靠性较差,抗干扰能力不强,靠继电器线圈控制的回路检修不便,浪费了宝贵的生产时间。近年来流行的PLC控制回路解决了上述问题,不论从设计安装及可靠性,还是抗干扰性都优于传统的控制系统。 本文提出了一个基于PLC的工业水循环的电控系统的解决方案,详细介绍了PLC发展及其特点,工艺流程的设计及其软件的设计。 关键词 :水循环 电气控制 PLC Abstract : Industral cooling system whose core is water is used in industral production because of its quatity of absorption of heats,safety and function.Nowadays The People Repubilic of China gives high weight to sustainable development,Cycle Water has its superiority not only on the economy but also on the balance of development and enviroment.It reduces the wasting of the resources and pollution. The traditional cycle water control system is too complex to design and install,furthermore,The equipments have to renew because of their velocity of aging,sometimes the reliable is not on the level,dealing with the interference is the same.Not the last but the least,we must take time on repairing the control system basing on relays.Recently,the control system with PLC sovled the problem,not only on the design,installation,reliable but also on dealing with the interference are superior to the traditional one. This paper proposes a project to design the electrical control of industrial cooling system base on cycle water with PLC.The paper includes introduce of PLC,technology and program design described in detail. Keywords:Industrial cycle water Electrical control PLC 目录 1绪论 1 1.1 PLC的概述 2 1.2 PLC的产生和发展 2 1.3 PLC的特点和应用技术 4 1.4 传统控制电路与PLC控制电路的比较 6 2硬件图设计 7 2.1工业水循环的一般流程概述 7 2.2工艺流程要求 7 2.3 主电路的设计 8 2.3.1 主电路概述 9 2.3.2主电路器件参数设定 10 2.4


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