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耐刮擦聚丙烯流变性能的研究 摘 要 耐刮擦聚丙烯是利用填充剂对其进行强度和韧性的增强改善,但是聚丙烯的熔 体流动能相对较差,在选择一个合适的填充剂前一定要考虑到后起产品在加工过程 中的流畅及合理性,以免产出不合格产品造成资源浪费。 在本文中,分别对采用玻璃微珠、超细碳酸钙、滑石粉及硫酸钡晶须填料不同 含量制得的耐刮擦聚丙烯,通过毛细管流变仪,分别在一定范围内改变压力和一定 范围内改变温度,观察聚合物熔体的流动行为,并以粘度对剪切速率做出聚合物流 动曲线。验证了 PP 非牛顿流体的剪切变稀性能,分析了不同填充材料对聚丙烯流 变性能的影响,并简单介绍了通过研究填充聚丙烯变性能帮助选择成型工艺及提高 制品质量的方法。 关键词:耐刮擦 PP ,流变性,填充改性 I 耐刮擦聚丙烯流变性能的研究 Abstract Surface damage behavior during scratch deformation of the polypropylene ,with the use ,fills to themselves in order to enhanced strength and toughness, but the polypropylene suffered from a bad flow ability, when choosing a suitable filler, smooth and reasonable must be taken into consideration before the product ,only in this way, it could avoided a waste of resources output. In this issue, respectively , with the using of glass beads, calcium carbonate, talc and barium sulfate whisker filler content obtained by different scratch-resistant polypropylene, through the capillary meter ,it changes in pressure within a certain range and a certain changes in the temperature range to observe the behavior of polymer melt flow, and in order to make the polymer viscosity on shear rate flow curves. Verify the PP non-Newtonian fluid shear thinning properties of the different filling materials on the rheological properties of polypropylene and a brief introduction of the rheological properties of polypropylene filled the research to help select the molding process and improve product quality. Key words :Surface damage behavior during scratch deformation, Rheological, Filled II


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