
IBS抗生素治疗的争议(英文PPT)Probiotics and IBS课件.ppt

IBS抗生素治疗的争议(英文PPT)Probiotics and IBS课件.ppt

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IBS抗生素治疗的争议(英文PPT)Probiotics and IBS课件

Prebiotics, Probiotics, Antibiotics: Controversies in the Treatment of IBS Brian E. Lacy, Ph.D., M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School Director, GI Motility Laboratory Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Disclosure Investigator Initiated Research Support: AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Medtronics, Novartis, Prometheus Speaker’s Bureau: Novartis, Takeda Goals Define commonly used terms Review the microecology of the intestinal tract Discuss the mechanism of action of probiotics Review the available literature on probiotics and IBS Assess the role of antibiotics in the treatment of IBS Functional Foods Functional foods – substances or supplements administered to obtain a specific result Also called “nutriceuticals” or “biotherapeutics” Examples: Prebiotics Probiotics Prebiotics Non-digestible food supplements or ingredients Not absorbed or degraded Alter the balance of intestinal flora and by acting as substrates stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria (i.e., Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria) Prebiotics Fructooligosaccharide (aka oligofructose) Isomaltooligosaccharide Xylooligosaccharide Inulin Fiber Oligomate Palatinose Pyrodextrin Raftiline Probiotics Non-pathogenic live microbial food supplements Organisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, exert a positive influence on the health of the host animal Live organisms that benefit the host animal by improving intestinal microbial balance Usually administered in yogurt or capsules A Brief History of Probiotics Metchnikoff – 1907 – ingesting yogurt with Lactobacilli reduces toxic bacteria of the gut and prolongs life Kipeloff – 1926 – stressed importance of Lactobacillus acidophilus for good health Rettger – 1930’s – early clinical application of Lactobacillus Parker – 1974 – 1st to use the term probiotics Fuller – 1989 – defined probiotics Probiotics Lactobacilli – anerobic, gram (+) rods casei plantarum acidophilus reuteri Bifidobacteria – anerobic, gram (+) rods VSL #3 (8 separ


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