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5 . 空洞(cavity) 定义及病理(definition and pathology) 常见疾病(main disease) 空洞CT表现(CT representation of cavity) 部位、数目和大小( position ,number and size) 洞壁厚度(the wall thickness of cavity) 虫蚀样空洞(moth-eaten cavity) 薄壁空洞(thin-walled cavity) 厚壁空洞(thick-walled cavity) 洞壁外缘(outer edge of cavity, as Exudation and consolidation, mass) 洞壁内缘(inner edge of cavity, nodule of the wall) 洞内气液平(air-fluid level) 邻近结构改变(changes around the mass ) 随访复查(follow up) moth-eaten cavity thin-walled cavity thick-walled cavity air-fluid level Irregular wall and nodule of it 曲菌球 空气半月征 空腔(intrapulmonary air containing space ) 定义及病理(definition and pathology) CT的鉴别要点(main point of differentiation) 囊腔壁(thickness and edge of the wall ) 1mm 洞内气液平(air-fluid level) 邻近结构改变(adjacent change ) 肺囊肿并感染 早期肺气肿示意图 1、小叶中心型 2、全小叶型 3、间隔旁或胸膜下 4、瘢痕旁型 肺气肿 小叶中心型 2-10mm * * 呼吸系统基本病变的CT表现 THE BASIC PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ON CT 刘 源(liu yuan) Department of radiology 1st affiliated hospital Shantou university medical college 一、 概述(SUMMARIZE) 1. 基本病变与基本征象的关系 The relationship(connection) between basic pathological changes and basic sign 2. 基本征象在影像分析、诊断中的重要性 The significance of basic sign for imaging analysis and diagnosis 3. 与影像基本病变密切相关的组织学 Secondary lobule Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Alveolar duct Alveolar sac Pulmonary alveoli 肺实质(lung parenchyma) 肺间质(interstitial tissue): 肺的框架结构-- 各级支气管和血管周围、小叶间隔、胸膜下和肺泡粘膜下的结缔组织 二、肺的基本病变 The basic pathological changes of lung 渗出与实变(Exudation and consolidation) 肺泡充实性病变 分肺实变(密度高于血管)和磨沙玻璃样影(密度低于血管) 定义及病理(definition and pathology) 常见疾病 炎症、肺水肿、肺泡蛋白沉着症 CT表现(CT representation) 形态(shape) 小片、大片、肺段性、大叶性、 弥漫性。 密度(density) 致密增高 支气管气相 层—层、肺窗—纵膈窗间的变化 (changes between slices and windows) 支气管气像(air bronchogram) 小叶性肺炎实变,部分融合 云雾、云絮、斑片、大片、团片 2. 增殖性病变(proliferative lesion) 定义及病理(definition and pathology) 常见疾病 肉芽肿、炎性假瘤、慢性炎症 CT表现(CT representation) 形态 结节 、肿块 、大片状。


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