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* 廚房的藝術 Culinary Art 厨房设计的趋势 Future Trends in Kitchen Design Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design Commissioned by(客户): Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care(飞利浦家用器具及个人护理产品部) “a possible future for small domestic appliances” 小型家庭厨房的未来 Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design Contents Underlying trends (潜在的趋势) 3 Scenarios(3种情景) “Lazy Breakfast” 懶洋洋的早餐 “Sunday Lunch” 週日的午膳 “Dinner with Friends” 晚膳聚舊 Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design 显示技术 emerging technologies 社会趋势 social trends 新材料new materials 嵌入式电子技术embedded electronics 数字式综合系统digital integration 实用的装备enabling devices 智能环境ambient intelligence 美好的回忆ever widening experiences 传统标准tradition as a touchstone 关注健康concern for health 快节奏的生活faster lives business need 商业需求 Underlying trends 潜在的趋势 Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design emerging technologies social trends business need Underlying trends Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design 情景Scenario 1 星期天早晨Sunday morning 休息Rest 放松Relax 享受Enjoy 浏览信息Browse 安逸Leisure Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design breakfast in bed Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design 拿水壺來 Put on the kettle 透明Transparent 简洁Hidden element 能看到加工过程View the process 过滤水Filter the water 采用无线电技术Cordless of course! 自然Natural 纯净Pure 玻璃壺 Glass Kettle 具有科克风格的把手和传统的图案装饰 Cork handgrip Traditional icon Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design 烤麵包 Prepare the toast 玻璃外壳Glass walled 完美的功能 Integrated elements 可调整宽度Adjustable width 容易操作Easy open 能看到加工过程 View the process 应用自然材料 Natural material Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design 特別的盤子 Prepare the tray 采用木底座Wooden base 完美连接Integrated connectors 可再生的 Rechargeable power 便于携带Easy to carry 传统与现代相结合 Modern yet traditional Culinary Art Future Trends in Kitchen Design 享受你/妳的早餐 Interact and relax 查看电子邮件View your email 浏览网页Browse the web 享受温暖的早茶 Your tea keeps warm 冷冻的果汁Juice is ch


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