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向世界著名女强人学取英文名字 ;  你希望自己的女儿成为女强人,那么你可以用世界著名的成功女性的名字来给女儿取名,也许有一天,你的女儿也能改变世界!;Amelia 阿梅莉亚;  Amelia Earhart,第一位独自飞越大西洋的女飞行员   Amelia is a name that flies high on the charts, thanks of course to legendary pilot Amelia Earhart. Earhart set a number of women’s altitude and speed records and also was the first aviator—male or female—to fly alone from Honolulu to Oakland, California and from Mexico City to Newark, New Jersey. Earhart famously disappeared while on a round-the-world flight in 1937, but her popular name doesn’t show signs of vanishing anytime soon. ;Coco 可可;  Coco Chanel,法国先锋时装设计师,香奈儿(Chanel)品牌的创始人。   Coco Chanel spent much of her childhood in French orphanages yet became one of the most celebrated fashion designers of the 20th century. Chanel’s glamour won fans on both sides of the Atlantic and her eponymous brand continues to be a major presence in fashion today. In recent years, fewer than 100 babies were named Coco annually in the US, but thanks to Chanel, the name will always be stylish. ;Eleanor 埃莉诺;  Anna Eleanor Roosevelt:美国第32任总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福的妻子,曾为美国第一夫人;美国首任驻联合国大使;主持起草了《世界人权宣言》   Eleanor Roosevelt transformed the role of first lady into one of substance. She was outspoken on the issues of women’s and civil rights and continued her political work even after her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, died in office. She was appointed as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly and chaired the UN Commission on Human Rights. As her legacy lives on, so does her name, which has enjoyed an increase in popularity in recent years. ;Elizabeth 伊丽莎白;  Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor:英女王伊丽莎白二世   Say the word “queen,” and for many Americans, just one person comes to mind—that royal across the pond, . Queen Elizabeth II. She ascended to the throne at the age of 25 in the 1950s after her father’s sudden death and has been head of the monarchy ever since. In the US, the name Elizabeth has enjoyed its own long reign, ranked as one of the 30 most popular girls’ na


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