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实验八 放大器参数测量实验 Datasheet Datasheet 是由器件制造商提供的有关器件特性参数、用途说明和设计参考的权威资料。从普通二极管到高级CPU,负责任的厂商都同样会对其产品提供详细的datasheet。通常可以从互联网上下载到其电子版本(.pdf文件)。 比如这里的741的datasheet来自于德(克萨斯)州仪器公司的网站 Op Amp Circuit Symbol and Terminals Op.Amp. Between ideal and the real Ideal Op-Amp Characteristics of an ideal op-amp Rin = infinity Rout = 0 Avo = infinity (Avo is the open-loop gain, sometimes A or Av of the op-amp) Bandwidth = infinity (amplifies all frequencies equally) Summary of op-amp behavior Vout = A(V+ - V-) Then Vout/A = V+ - V- Let A infinity then, V+ - V- 0 Then V+=V- We name this express ‘virtual short’. Rin = infinity Then I+=I-=0 We call this express ‘virtual cut off’ DC imperfections Initial Offset Voltage, Vos Initial Offset Voltage Temperature oefficient, TCVos Input Bias Current, Ib Input Offset Current, Ios Input Offset Current, Temperature Coefficient, TCIos Power Supply Rejection Ratio, PSRR Meeting with Vos (also Vio) If we tie the input pins together so that Vn= Vp, the output Vo will not be zero,but to be saturate. Why? Vos: define and model Initial Offset Voltage The DC voltge that must be applied between the input terminals of the amplifier to force the quiescent dc output voltage to zero. Finding it! ——simple method measure the output with your digital multi-meter configured as a DC voltmeter with the highest sensitivity available Vout =Vos (1+R2/R1), Vos = Vout / (1+R2/R1) Note:Where we suppose without other imperfections Finding it——Improve method When we take the Ibias into account, which would be instructed after. Where Vos come from? Ibias and Ios Define: Vos = Ip – In Vbias = (Ip+In)/2 Op amp bias current (IB) Finding it! Step1, find Ip Step2, find In VP = –RIP, so that V1 = Vos – 1M*Ip, by the superposition principle. Apply power, measure Vo, and calculate Ip = (VOS – V1)/R, with Vos as found in ‘Finding Vos’ By similar reasoning, calculate the In Step3 Calculate Ibias and Io


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