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牛津初中英语9A Unit4知识点归纳 重点短语 Welcome to the unit have nothing to do 无事可做 have a little sleep小睡一会 TV channel电视频道 send out programmes (on radio or TV) (通过无线电或电视)发送节目 send away 开除,解雇,赶走 send for 派人去请 send up 发射 make TV programmes 制作电视节目 Reading a TV guide 节目导视 Sports World体育世界 a weekly round-up一周要闻综述 cover different sports 涉及不同的运动 up-to-date information=the latestinformation 最新信息 find this weeks programme a bit boring 发现本周的节目有点无聊 a number of许多 this years Beijing Music Awards 今年的北京音乐颁奖晚会 cover live现场直播 be covered live被现场直播 hold the presentation 举行颁奖仪式 this coming Saturday即将来临的这个星期六 interview sb / have an interview with sb采访某人 attend the meeting/a wedding 参加会议/婚礼 vote online for…在线为….投票 announce the results 宣布结果 send text messages to 1396发送文本信息到1396 win two free concert tickets 赢得两张免费的音乐会 the end of the film 电影的结尾 a horror filmdirected by 一部由…导演的恐怖片 kill oneself 自杀 be full of horror and mysteries充满恐怖和神密 be full of = be filled with 充满 solve mysteries解谜;揭开谜底 get scared (easily)(容易)受惊吓 a one-hour documentary 一个一小时的记录片 take a close look at…近距离地看一看 in India在印度 face danger 面临危险 be a bit disturbed 感到有一点心烦意乱 in the natural habitat 在自然生活环境(栖息地) win an award for 因…而获奖 the whole morning = all the morning 整个早晨 Vocabulary and Grammar chat show 访谈节目game show 竞赛节目 drama series电视系列片;电视连续剧 real-life events 生活中的真实事件 win a great prize 赢得大奖 such interesting stories如此有趣的故事 between …. and …..在…..和…..两者之间 from …. to …..从….到….. be on (TV)(在电视上)播放/放映 weather report 天气预报 The Three Kingdoms 三国演义 take/have a shower 洗淋浴 put …away把…..收起来/放好(代词放中间) get ready to do sth=prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 get ready for sth.为某事做好准备 prepare sth.准备某事 prepare for sth.为某事做准备 the rest of the evening晚上的剩余时间 come third in the race在赛跑中得第三名 among the four programmes 在那四个节目当中 Integrated Skills and Pronunciation TV viewing habits观看电视的习惯 Main task and Checkout argue with sb. about sth.为某事与某人争吵 disagree with sb. about sth.关于某事与某人意见不一致 be/get angry with sb.生某人的气 throw … onto…把 …….扔到…….上面 fall onto…掉到….上 department store 百货商店 wr



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