牛津高中英语模块8 Unit1 Grammar--project语言点讲解.doc

牛津高中英语模块8 Unit1 Grammar--project语言点讲解.doc

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牛津高中英语模块8 Unit1 Grammar--project语言点讲解

Grammar 1. He is raised in a place with other children who also have no parents. Raise: (1) “养大,带大” He had to raise his children on a small income. 他得靠微簿的收入来抚养子女。 The baby was raised on milk. 这婴儿是用牛奶养大的。 (2)“饲养,种植” 他们靠养蚕等增加了收入。They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on. 在这个地区,人们饲养牛羊/种小麦。 In this region, people raise cattle and sheep/wheat. (3) “提出” 你为什么不在会上提出这个问题? Why didn’t you raise the question at the meeting? (4)“筹集;募集” 他们为这个计划筹集资金遇到了很大的困难。They had much /great difficulty in raising money for the project. (5)“提高,提升” raise one’s voice/hand/head 提高某人的嗓音/举手/抬头 raise the price of … 提高。。。。。。的价格 The worker_________ (raise) to a higher position. (was raised) 2. Oliver was abused by his new master. Abuse: “虐待;凌辱,” “滥用;乱用” (1)奴隶主有权任意打骂、甚至杀害奴隶。 The slave-owner had the right to beat, abuse or even kill slaves at will. Stop abusing the old horse. (2)我把照相机借给你,你可别瞎用。I’ll lend you my camera but don’t abuse it. Abuse one’s authority(power) 滥用职权(权力) (3)绝不能允许他们滥用职权 They should never be allowed to abuse their authority and position. (4)不要这样工作,否则会把身体搞垮的。 Don’t abuse your health by working like that. 3. care about “在乎;在意;对。。。关心” (1)这位黑人领袖说,他唯一关心的是黑人得到公平待遇。 The black leader said that the only thing he cared about was justice for his people. (2)他只想到自己,不关心别人。 He thinks only of himself; he doesn’t care about other people. (3)你怎么想不关我的事。I don’t care about what you think. (4)你不怕丢掉工作吗?Don’t you care about losing your job? 【辨析】care about; 和care for 前者为“在乎;在意;对。。。关心”,后者表示“喜欢;对。。。感兴趣” (1)上周我读了那首诗,不过我一点也不喜欢。 I read the poem last week but I didn’t care for it at all (2)我不太喜欢骑自行车,我宁愿步行。 I don’t care for riding on a bike very much; I would rather go on foot. 4. pressure vt.“对。。。施加压力;强迫” Pressure sb. to do sth. Pressure sb. into doing sth. 他们强迫他释放囚犯。They have pressured him into freeing the prisoners. 他被迫立即做出决定。He was pressured into making a decision immediately. n. “压力;压迫” (1)公众舆论的强大压力迫使他辞职了。 The strong pressure of the public opinion drove him from office. (2)我们



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