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;采购组织机构 Chassis Purchasing Org.;目录 Index;及时投入人力、物力,支持SGM全年目标的实现 Global suppliers put extra efforts on manpower, material to provide SGM full support 大部分供应商积极提升产能 Most of suppliers raised capacity actively 样件供货及时 On time sample parts supply ;1/13 新赛欧NB上市new sail NB launch 1/23 别克新凯越XT上市Buick excelle XT launch 6/1 新赛欧HB上市new Sail HB launch 6/23 别克新凯越GT上市Buick excelle GT launch 10/20 新赛欧出口智利new sail export to Chile 11/28 别克新GL8上市Buick new GL8 launch ;2010年产量增加了47%,而底盘供应商在高产能压力下质量总体表现较为平稳。 在线IR问题数量较2009年下降了5%,PPM、IPTV和CPV也较2009年均有大幅下降。.. The production volume has increased by 47% in 2010. But the quality perormance of chassis suppliers kept stable under high production pressure. The number of IR problems decreased by 5% comparing with 2009. PPM, IPTV and CPV all drasticly decreased.;标准条款的签署 Sign off SGM Terms Conditions 优化供应商的FOOTPRINT,降低了物流成本。 Footprint optimization to reduce the cost 技术升级和更新,降低了采购成本 Technology upgrade to reduce cost 各整车和动力总成平台零件国产化有序推进 Implement part localization on vehicle and PT programs Epsilon: 85%; Delta: 90%; L-car: 92%; V-car: 91%; SGM201: 90%;需改进TO BE IMPROVED; 部分底盘供应商项目开发阶段准备不充分,质量部不参与新项目,先期质量不受控。 Some chassis suppliers are not well prepared for project developing. Quality department doesn’t involve in project development resulting in bad project quality performance. 生产组织和管理差,混料、错漏装、尺寸超差等低级问题仍有发生。 Production is not well organized and administrated. Some low level defects keep happening, such as part-mixing, missing assembly, out of specification of sizes and so on. 沟通能力,问题响应和解决速度有待加强。 Poor communication abilities. Severely slow in response and problem solving.;需改进TO BE IMPROVED;需改进TO BE INPROVED;2010年回顾 2010 Performance Overview;目录 Index;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;2011年展望 2011 Outlook;总结 Summary


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