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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Three Important Principles Child-Centered perspective 以儿童为中心的教育理念 Speech-Oriented approach 以口语为导向教学途径 Activity-Based interaction 以活动为基础的互动模式 * Child-Centered Young learners’ characteristics, needs and interest 少儿的特点、需要和兴趣 Learner-centered instruction in以学习者为中心的教学体现在 designing a lesson…(备课) teaching a lesson… (上课) assigning homework…(作业) assessing learning…(评价) * Speech-Oriented Teaching in English 用英语教学 Understandable input 可理解输入 Scaffolding 提供“脚手架”支持 Authentic language 真实的语言 Meaningful communication 有意义交流 Realia-supported interaction 教具辅助的互动 Speech-based skill development 口语为基础的技能发展 * Activity-Based Activating learning 激发学生积极性 Stimulating interest 刺激兴趣 Multiple Intelligence strategies 多元智能策略 Engaging all learners 促进全体参与 Group learning 小组集体活动 Peer tutorial 同伴互助 Integrating skills 整合技能 Recurrent practice 循环实践 Multi-skilled communication 多技能的交流 * Language Learning Activities Listening Listen and repeat 听听读读 Listen and guess 听听猜猜 Listen and act (match/find/draw, etc) 听听做做 Speaking Draw and ask questions 画图提问 Whisper a sentence 轻声传话 Pairs finding 寻找对子 Speaking chain 连环说话 Story telling 讲故事 Guessing games猜谜游戏 Interview/survey采访调查 * Reading Phonics 认读方法 Read and colour 阅读图色 Read and match 阅读配对 Read and draw 阅读画图 Word games 单词游戏 Writing Spelling bee 拼词比赛 Enriched dictation 多种听写 Describing the picture 描述图片 Journal writing 记日记 * Priorities for CYLE Positive attitude toward learning English 学习英语的积极态度 Correct pronunciation and intonation 正确的语音语调 Basic skills of English 最基础的英语听说读写技能 Topics, structures, words as listed in the syllabuses 大纲中所列话题、结构和词汇 * A few more words… We should have a strong belief that Every child will become a successful L2 learner 每个孩子都会是个成功的第二语言学习者 Every child needs our hand to hold 每个孩子都需要我们的扶持 * Make sure to tell every child: You + Me = Special and yo


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