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lymph nodes [l?mf] 淋巴结 hepatoduodenal ligament [h?pe?tadju?‘di:nl] [’l?g?m?nt] 肝十二指肠韧带 porta hepatis?[‘p??t?] ?[h?’p?t?s] 肝门 lymphadenopathy [‘lim,f?d?n’?p?θi] 淋巴结病 epigastrium [,ep?‘g?str??m] 上腹部 inferior vena cava (IVC) [?n‘f??r??] [’vi?n?] ?[‘kɑv?] 下腔静脉 para-aortic [‘pɑ?r?e?’??t?k] 主动脉旁的 Paracaval [?p?r?‘k?v?l] 腔静脉旁的 retroperitoneum [retr??per?t??‘ni:?m] 腹膜后腔 obstructive jaundice[?b‘str?kt?v] [’d??nd?s] 阻塞性黄疸 pelvis?[‘pelv?s] 骨盆 hepatitis [,hep?‘ta?t?s] 肝炎 pancreatitis ?[,p?nkr??‘ta?t?s] 胰腺炎 cholangitis [,k?l?n‘d?aitis] 胆管炎 colitis [k?‘la?t?s] 结肠炎 lymphangioma?[l?m,f?nd??‘om?] 淋巴管瘤 Traditionally, normal lymph nodes are difficult or impossible to demonstrate on ultrasound. However, with good-resolution equipment, and using a suitable acoustic window, such as normal liver tissue, normal lymph nodes can be demonstrated in the hepatoduodenal ligament at the porta hepatis(Fig.6.9A), particularly in younger patients. Figure 6.9 (A) Normal lymph nodes at the porta. Figure 6.9(B) Lymphadenopathy in the epigastrium (arrows) can be seen anterior to the inferior vena cava (IVC). The search for lymphadenopathy should include the para-aortic and paracaval regions, the splanchnic vessels and epigastric regions, and the renal hila (Fig. 6.9). Ultrasound has a low sensitivity for demonstrating lymphadenopathy, in the retroperitoneum, as bowel contents frequently obscure the relevant areas. Figure 6.9(C) TS through the left upper quadrant (LUQ) showing Lymphadenopathy at the splenic hilum of a patient with lymphoma. Figure 6.9(D) A large hyperechoic lymph mass at the porta hepatis, causing obstructive jaundice. CT or MRI is better able to define the extent of lymphadenopathy, particularly in the pelvis. The presence of lymphadenopathy is highly non-specific, being associated with a wide range of conditions including malignancy, infections and inflammatory disorders. Benign lymphadenopathy is commonly seen i


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