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Lesson 10 Did you go to the park last Sunday? New Words went [went] go[g?u]去的过去式 northeast [n?:θ‘i:st] 东北;东北的 clearly [‘kl??l?] 清楚地 rare [r??] 稀有的 wild [waild] 野生的 野生动物 wild animals move [mu:v] 移动,搬动 got [g?t] get[get]获得的过去式 wait [weit] for +某人(代词用宾格) 等待 wonder [‘w?nd?] 想知道 saw [s?:] see的过去式 koala [k??ɑ:l?] back [b?k] 背部 across [?‘kr?s] 横穿过 sat [s?t] sit的过去式 Australia [?:‘stre?lj?] 澳大利亚 Australian [?:‘stre?lj?n] 澳大利亚人(的) zoo [zu:] sometimes even [‘i:v?n] 甚至 forest fun think so [s?u] 因此,所以 country protect Let’s talk Mary: What did you do last Sunday? Dali: I went to the zoo. Mary: Do you often go there on Sunday? Dali: No, I sometimes go to the Northeast Tiger Garden with Dongdong. Mary: Great! Is that park big? Dali: Yes, it’s very big.There’s even a forest in it. Mary: How many tigers are there in it? Dali: There are about ninety. Mary: Did you see them clearly? Dali: Yes. We were in a bus. And we could drive very near to the tigers. One of them even jumped onto our bus. Mary: Oh! What fun! I think the tigers can live a better([‘bet?]更好的) life there. Dali: Yes. Northeast Tigers are rare in China. There are only about twenty wild ones now. So our country is doing her best([best]最好的) to protect them. 课文知识详解 What did you do last Sunday? 回答:I went to the zoo(last Sunday). One of them even jumped onto our bus. One of + 名词复数 “其中之一” How many tigers are there in it? There are about ninety(tigers in it). 1. There are how many(tigers in it). 2. Are there how many(tigers in it)? 3. How many(tigers) are there in it? 许多:many [‘meni] +可数名词


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