(外研版)必修5 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cnema知识点整理三.docx

(外研版)必修5 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cnema知识点整理三.docx

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(外研版)必修5 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cnema知识点整理三

必修5 Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema知识点整理三27.review (1)n(影视、音乐)评论;(为备考)复习,温习 We’ve never had a good review in the music press.我们从未在音乐媒体中获得过好评。 The book received a favourable review.这本书赢得了好评。 Let’s set aside an hour a day for review. (2)vt写(新书、新上映电影等的)评论;v(为备考)复习,温习;vt仔细研究,审视His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman.安东尼·海曼在此就他那本关于阿富汗的书写了书评。 Review all the notes you need to cover for each course.把每一门课程需要掌握的笔记都复习一下。 The next day we reviewed the previous day’s work.第二天,我们仔细检查了头一天的工作。reviewer [r??vju:?(r)] n评论家Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything;the teacher will_____the main points at the end. A.recover B.review C.require D.remember B28.be in a good/happy/bad mind有……的心情 be/feel in the mood for sth/to do sth有做某事的心情be in no mood for sth/to do sth不想做某事,没心情做某事 We really felt in the mood for a party.我们非常想以加一场派对。 I was in no mood for a joke.我没心情开玩笑。 George was in no mood to be sociable[s????bl]随和的,好交际的.乔治没心情去应酬。 (1)—I’d like to invite you to watch a movie,INCEPTION,this Saturday,Samantha.—______.A.Oh,no.I really to wild about movies. B.I’d rather have a day offC.That’ll be a good point. D.I’m very sorry,but I really don’t feel in the mood for movies. (2)Turn off the recorder—I’m not in the m_____for any music. (3)I’m not really in the mood of shopping.(改错) (4)Sit down with your son when all three of you are in a good m_________and address说 the issue directly. (5)She felt in____mood for a romantic walk in the woods,so she_____an excuse to get her parents’ permission. A./;took up B.a;turned up C.the;made up D.a;put up(1)D.如果想表达愿意去的话,C应表达为That’s a good point.很有道理。句意:真对不起,但我真的没有心情看电影。(2)mood (3)of改为for (4)mood 在你们三个都心情好的时候,你们和儿子一起坐下来,直接处理这个问题。(5)C29.set构成的短语set off①出发;动身(去某地)。例如:Little Tom and his father set off for America last week,and arrived there this morning. 小汤姆和他的爸爸上周动身去美国,并于今天上午到达那里。②使爆炸The man set the bomb b?m off in a ditch [d?t?]. 那人把炸弹放在沟里引爆了。③引起,使(某人)开始(做某事)Dont set him off talking politics ‘p?l


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