(外研版)选修6 Module 3 Interersonal Relationships—Friendship知识点整理三.docx

(外研版)选修6 Module 3 Interersonal Relationships—Friendship知识点整理三.docx

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(外研版)选修6 Module 3 Interersonal Relationships—Friendship知识点整理三

选修6 Module 3Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship知识点整理三25.criticise/scold/praise/punish/blame/excuse/pardon/forgive/thank sb for sth因某事而批评/责备/表扬/惩罚/责备/原谅/原谅/原谅/感谢某人 (1)—So why did we___the two young men?—There can be only one answer—for the damage they did to our company.A.reward B.forgive C.punish D.claim(2)If I walk in with muddy shoes on the floor,Dad always______me for that.A.complains B.praises C.quarrels D.scolds.(3)Realizing his mistake,the little child begged me to_____him for breaking his promise.A.scold B.blame C.punish D.forgive(1)C (2)D (3)D26.tear [te?(r)] (tore,torn)vi 撕,扯n眼泪burst into tears[t??s]突然哭起来 in tears哭泣,流泪 tear…open把……撕开 tear…apart拆散,使分离 tear off扯掉,跑掉;匆匆写成 tear up撕裂;撕毁 tear sth into pieces把某物撕成碎片 tear at sth撕扯某物 tear down拆掉,撕掉 tear oneself away from忍痛舍去,忍痛离开 tear at 表示动作,意为“撕,扯”;tear表示结果,意为“撕开,扯开”Why did you tear the clothes when I had advised you to cut it with scissors?我建议你用剪子剪布,你怎么用手撕开了呢? The little girl was in tears because she lost the road. (1)—Do you enjoy the book?—Yes,it was so interesting that I could hardly______it.A.get rid of B.break away from C.keep away from D.tear myself away from.(2)—Do you still have the receipt[r?’si:t],madam?—No,I’m afraid I’ve_____.A.torn it off B.torn it down C.torn it up D.torn it away(3)When the Eiffel Tower was erected (erect英 [?’rekt]使竖起,建立)at the world exposition in 1889,it was not very popular and came close to______down.A.be torn B.tearing C.tear D.being torn(1)D (2)C (3)D (4)D当1889年埃菲尔铁塔在世博会上建立起来的时候,它不太受人们的欢迎,还差一点被拆毁。27.be on good terms with sb与某人关系很好in terms of就……而言,在……方面in the long/short term从长远/近期看 come to terms with sb与某人妥协,与某人和好 He is on good terms with everyone,so he is popular. In English,they are very different in terms of either meaning or grammar. Being strict with the children will do great good to them in the long term. In the end,the two brothers came to terms with each other.(1)He seemed to be_____with the people behind the bar. A.on good


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