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摘 要 本文通过建立“四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价指标体系评价五个企业的竞争力,并针对实证中的问题给出提高企业竞争力的对策。首先建立了民营快递企业竞争力的评价指标体系,并运用模糊层次分析法得出指标权重,将调研的数据运用于评价指标体系进行实证研究,评价各企业竞争力。目前企业不足主要表现在货物安全水平不高、服务人员态度差等一系列问题,本文通过对问题产生原因的分析,得出快递企业能够通过提升产品和服务质量、增加服务深度、提高员工素质、加强市场细分、实施品牌营销和转变商业模式等方式提升快递企业竞争力,这对我国民营快递企业提升竞争力也具有一定的借鉴和参考价值。 关键词:快递企业,竞争力,模糊层次分析法 ABSTRACT This article through the establishment of five express enterprise competitiveness evaluation index system evaluation five the competition ability of the enterprise, and in the light of the problems are given the countermeasures to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Firstly, the paper establishes the private Courier enterprise competitiveness evaluation index system, and used the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) concluded that the index weight, the research of the data used in the evaluation index system for empirical research, the enterprise competitiveness evaluation. At present, the enterprise mainly in the insufficient cargo security level is not high, the service personnel poor attitude a series of problems, this paper analyzes the causes of the problem, it is concluded that can express enterprises through ascension products and service quality, increase the service depth, improving the quality of employees, strengthen market segment, implementation of brand marketing and business mode change form to improve express the competitive power of enterprise, the Chinese private enterprise to express the competitiveness has the certain reference and the reference value. Keywords: Express enterprise,Competitiveness,Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 一 绪论 1 (一)研究背景与意义 1 (二)国内研究现状 1 (三)研究技术路线 2 二 “四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价指标体系建立及权重确定 4 (一)“四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价指标体系建立 4 (二)“四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价指标权重计算 5 1 FAHP及数据量纲处理 5 2准则层权重求解过程 6 3指标层权重计算结果 9 三 “四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价实证分析 10 (一)“四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价结果统计 10 (二)“四通一达”快递企业竞争力评价结果分析 16 四 “四通一达”快递企业竞争力培养对策分析 17 (一)提升产品质量 17 (二)增加服务深度 17 (三)提高员工素质 18 (四)实施品牌营销 18 (五)加强市场细分 18 (六)转变商业模式 19 结 论 20 参考文献 21 附 录 22 致


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