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《英语》课程整体教学设计 一、管理信息 课程名称:英语 基础模块2 制定时间:2014年3月3日 所属专业:基础课 所属学校:山东省潍坊商业学校 制定人: 周智华 二、基本信息 学分:4 课程类型:基础课 学时:80 授课对象: 13营销一,二 13大专物流一,二 三、课程设计 1.课程目标设计 (1)能力目标 ①能听懂每个模块中的对话进而了解其交际功能 ②能运用每个模块所学的交际功能进行情景对话。 ③能够掌握一些简单的阅读技巧。 ④能通过对每个模块的词汇和语法的学习进行书写练习。 (2)知识目标 ①掌握日常生活中常用的简单的生活用语; ②掌握阅读技巧 ③掌握简单的写作技巧 (3)德育目标 在学习过程中尽量创造条件,使学生有机会通过对话、 扮演角色等活动演练所学内容,从而提高与人沟通等能力。 2.课程内容设计 模块名称 任务名称 学时 I laughed till I cried! Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 I saw a terrible movie Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 Have you ever done a part-time job? Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 I’ve tried all the means of transportation. Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 It?s time to change. Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 Unit task 2 Tell me when the pain started. Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 So much to do before we travel. Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 Unit task 2 If you want to talk, you can go online. Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 Everything is made in China! Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 Why was it built? Listening and speaking 2 Reading and writing 2 Grammar and exercises 2 清明、五一、端午放假 6 模块考试 2 机动 4 值周 4 期末考试 4 合计 80 3.能力训练项目设计 本课程的能力训练项目 编 号 能力训练项目名称 拟实现的能力目标 相关支撑知识 训练方式手段及步骤 结果(可展示) 1 Describing family experiences Talk about family holiday activities Ask for and give information on past experiences Family members and past experiences ①Students work in pairs. ②Practice the dialogue In pairs, act out the situation 2 Talking about past


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