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“ Chemistry has an important role to play in achieving a sustainable civilization on earth.” — Dr. Terry Collins, Professor of Chemistry Carnegie Mellon University WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE CIVILIZATION? WE SHOULD CONSIDER THIS QUESTION FROM SEVERAL VIEWPOINTS: The environment and human health. A stable economy that uses energy and resources efficiently. Social and political systems that lead to a just society. TO UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF CHEMISTRY IN SUSTAINABILITY, WE WILL LOOK AT THE FIRST TWO POINTS… The environment and human health. A stable economy that uses energy and resources efficiently. IN A SUSTAINABLE CIVILIZATION… Technologies used for production of needed goods are not harmful to the environment or to human health. Renewable resources (such as plant-based substances or solar energy) are used rather than those, like fossil fuels, that will eventually run out. IN A SUSTAINABLE CIVILIZATION… At the end of their use, materials are recycled if they are not biodegradable (easily broken down into harmless substances in the environment). IN A SUSTAINABLE CIVILIZATION… Manufacturing processes are either designed so as not to produce waste products, – OR – Waste products are recycled or biodegradable. WHILE WE HAVE MADE SOME PROGRESS IN ACHIEVING THESE GOALS, WE STILL HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO… Mountains of solid waste are piling up—particularly in industrialized nations. Air and water pollution continue to be problems in many places. BUT HOW CAN CHEMISTRY HELP US TO ACHIEVE A SUSTAINABLE CIVILIZATION? First, let’s consider chemistry’s benefits… The chemical industry produces many products that improve our lives and upon which we depend. BENEFITS OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: Antibiotics and other medicines Fertilizers, pesticides Plastics Nylon, rayon, polyester, and other synthetic materials Gasoline and other fuels Water purification “Most of the environmental problems of past centuries and decades, such as the biological contamination


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